Monitor and report on water levels
Business Sectors (Suites): Environmental Conservation
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard covers monitoring and reporting on water levels. You are most likely to carry out this work as part of other work activities such as adjusting water level systems or maintaining the water channel.
You will need to be able to take accurate readings using a suitable method.
You must carry out your work in a way that takes account of its impact on the environment.
This standard is for employees or volunteers who are involved in monitoring and reporting on water levels as part of their job role.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify the best location(s) from which to obtain readings in accordance with instructions, the nature of the terrain and access requirements
- obtain accurate and complete readings at the relevant times
- take the correct actions to resolve the situation where accurate readings cannot readily be obtained
- carry out your work in accordance with relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and policies of your organisation
- maintain biosecurity throughout your work
- carry out the work in a manner that causes minimal disturbance to the site and surrounding area
- report water levels within the required timescales
- produce reports that are accurate and include all the required information in accordance with the relevant legislation and requirements of your organisation
- where damage to the environment is identified, take immediate action and inform the relevant person
- maintain communication with colleagues and others involved in, or affected by, your work
- implement the correct emergency procedure immediately where actual or potential flooding or loss of water is identified, and report your actions to the relevant person
- complete and store reports in line with the relevant legislation and requirements of your organisation
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the suitable locations where water level readings can be obtained
- the instructions for obtaining information on water levels
- how to access locations where water levels readings can be obtained
- the reasons for taking readings
- the reasons why it may not be possible to obtain accurate readings
- how to obtain and estimate levels and read water gauges
- the relevant legislation and organisational requirements associated with monitoring and reporting water levels
- your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and policies of your organisation
- the potential impact of your work on the surrounding area and how to minimise this
- the importance of maintaining biosecurity when carrying out your work and the methods for achieving this
- the wildlife habitats that may be present and how to adjust procedures accordingly
- how to assess and interpret water levels
- the organisation requirements for reporting water levels
- what environmental damage may be encountered and how this must be reported
- the importance of maintaining communication with those involved in, or affected by, your work and the best way to do this
- the relevant legal requirements and those of your organisation for the completion and storage of reports
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- estimate levels
- inform others
- record the problem
automated/online telemetry
- using gauge boards
- by sighting
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Environmental Management Officer, Estate Worker
SOC Code
water levels; monitor