Support the organisations systems to prevent and control the release of pollutants into the environment
This standard describes the skills and knowledge requirements for supporting the organisations systems to prevent and control the release of pollutants into the environment. It applies to both air, water, and land-based environments. Pollutants can be chemical, noise, light, vibration, gases, silt, slurry, radiation, heat, soil run off, particles, dust, Prevention and control could be the adoption of less environmentally harmful pesticides, monitoring emissions, reduce, reuse, recycle, containment at source, drainage, containment tanks, damping down.
You must be able to identify potential impacts of pollution from your organisation on the environment. Support the assessment of the risks associated with the organisational systems to prevent and control pollutants. As well as supporting the development of pollution incident contingency plans. This may involve informing and working alongside other organisations, government agencies.
This standard is suitable for anyone who is involved in supporting the organisational systems to prevent and control the release of pollutants into the environment.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify the potential impact a release of pollutants from your organisation might have on the environment
- Support the assessment of the risks to colleagues, local communities, and the public, associated with the organisational systems for preventing and controlling the release of pollutants into the environment
- Support the implementation of organisational pollutant prevention and controls systems and ensure there are no detrimental effect on the environment, local communities, historical features, local landscapes, and wildlife
- Support the organisations compliance of relevant regulations and legislations to prevent enforcements measures being initiated
- Support the development of organisational pollution incident contingency plans
- Confirm incident reports are complete and follow relevant legislation and organisational requirements
- Communicate and engage with relevant stakeholders regarding the organisational systems to prevent and control the release of pollutants and the incident contingency plans to help mitigate pollution incidents
- Implement control measures to protect people and create a safe working environment
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- The potential impacts a release of pollutants from your organisation might have on the environment
- The types of risks to colleagues, local communities and the public associated with the organisational systems for preventing and controlling the release of pollutants into the environment
- The types of pollutant prevention and control systems used by your organisation
- The types of detrimental effects the organisational pollutant prevention and control systems can have on the environment, local communities, historical features, local landscapes, and wildlife
- The relevant regulations and legislations regarding pollutant prevention and control and how to act on them
- The relevance of an organisational pollution incident contingency plan and how to develop one
- The importance of pollution incident reports and how to complete them following relevant legislation and organisational requirements
- The importance of communicating and engage relevant stakeholders regarding the pollution prevent and control systems and the incident contingency plans
- How to communicate health and safety policies and risk assessment requirements to all those involved in or affected by your work, and confirm they understand their responsibilities
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Pollution incidents: release of gases, release of chemicals, slurry leaks, light, radiation, noise, vibration, waste management, soil compaction, poor water quality