Identify and review the impact of activities on the environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Organisational Environmental Awareness and Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2021


This standard describes the skills and knowledge requirements for identifying and reviewing the impact of activities on the environment.  It covers the understanding of environmental practices and policies that affect you, and your ability to identify where improvements could be made. It also covers knowing if activities are in line with environmental practices and encourages the development of environmental awareness of those you work with, or are affected by your work.

This standard is suitable for team leaders, first line managers and workers who support the awareness and improvement of the environmental performance of the organisation. It is also applicable to individuals who need to understand the impact of their activities on the environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. Identify the environmental policies and practices that are relevant to your activities 2. Identify how your activities impact the environment 3. Review the positive and negative impact of your activities on the environment 4. Report your findings to the relevant stakeholder, including those with protected characteristics 5. Assist all those involved in, or affected by your work to develop and maintain environmental awareness 6. Develop activities that support the environment 7. Undertake activities and use resources that supports the environment 8. Identify opportunities to reduce the negative and improve the positive impact on the environment 9. Communicate the benefits of implementing and maintaining activities which supports the environment 10. Encourage feedback from relevant stakeholders on the impact the activities have on the environment 11. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the changes to work activities and use the findings to inform future practice

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. The relevant environmental legislation affecting your activities 2. The existing workplace or other environmental policies that are relevant to your activities 3. The specific environmental issues which are relevant to your area of work 4. The impact of your work or other activities on the environment and how to review whether they have positive or negative impacts 5. The term "positive and negative impact" 6. Your role, responsibility and limits of authority relating to environmental practice 7. The contribution that you can make to the environmental good practice of the organisation 8. The benefits to the organisation and to the environment of improving the environmental performance of the activities 9. Your social responsibilities in relation to environmental practice 10. The external and internal sources of information and guidance on environmental practice 11. How to identify areas where environmental practice can be improved 12. The factors that may limit improvements to the environmental performance of the activities 13. The importance of organising activities that meet the identified organisational environmental policies 14. The importance of selecting resources that minimise the environmental impact 15. How to communicate environmental practices to relevant stakeholders and seek feedback 16. The different ways of influencing and motivating relevant stakeholders (internal and external) to improve environmental performance 17. The different ways of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of improvements in environmental performance


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Environmental and Land-based occupations, Manager, Project Manager, Project/Implementation Manager, Team Leader

SOC Code



impact; assessment; pollution; protect; climate;