Manage the communication of the final Environmental Statement for the development and follow up measures

Business Sectors (Suites): Planning and Development Impact Assessments
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2021


This standard is one of three related standards that together cover Environmental Impact Assessment.  This standard describes the requirements for managing the communication of the final Environmental Statement (ES) for the development and follow up measures.

The series of NOS covers the following:

  • Standard EM22 – Prepare for, screen, and scope out Environmental Impact Assessments for development proposals

  • Standard EM23 – Manage the co-ordination of an Environmental Impact Assessment and the production of an Environmental Statement

  • Standard EM24 – Manage the communication of the final Environmental Statement for the development and follow up measures

The standards listed above do not outline the detailed requirements for specialist environmental assessment topics, but they do focus on the project management, co-ordination and delivery of the EIA process stages. EIA is a systematic process to identify, predict, evaluate, and communicate the environmental effects of proposed actions and projects. 

The key stages of EIA are:

  1. Proposal identification
  2. Screening
  3. Scoping
  4. Positive and negative impact assessment
  5. Mitigation
  6. Preparation of Environmental Statement
  7. Review
  8. Decision-making
  9. Follow up (monitoring)

As a minimum, consultation with statutory bodies and all those involved in or affected by an environmental impact assessment, should take place at the scoping stage of EIA. It should be stressed that whilst EIA is a statutory process for some developments, it is not strictly a linear process. EIA is a dynamic and iterative process requiring interaction between stages as the assessment progresses, with feedback loops enabling project proposals to be refined and adapted in response to the findings of the assessment.

This standard covers the main process of final delivery of the Environmental Statement, review of the Statement, decision-making on development consent, and agreement of follow-up measures.

This standard is suitable for:

  • A developer with responsibility for commissioning or managing an EIA
  • An environmental consultant or advisor with responsibility for co-ordinating either: the full EIA process on behalf of a developer, or final stages EIA stages following the production of the Environmental statement

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. Manage the communication of the final Environmental Statement (ES) to the developer for review and sign off
  2. Manage the communication of the Environmental Statement (ES), plans and reports to relevant stakeholders, including those with protected characteristics
  3. Respond to any independent review of the Environmental Statement (ES) and to issues and questions raised by statutory and other bodies
  4. Work with the developer, consenting authorities, colleagues and clients to resolve any issues
  5. Work with and advise the developer on the development and the implementation of consenting conditions and/or planning agreements as they relate to mitigation and monitoring
  6. Where required, work with developer on longer term follow up measures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. The different Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) regulations relevant to the development, their purpose and their relationship to the planning process
  2. The required stages of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and statutory procedures
  3. The National, and international legislation, national and regional regulations, statements, and guidance and the affects that these might have on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  4. The possible environmental impacts arising from different forms of development
  5. The relevant legal consents applicable to the operation, post EIA
  6. The relevant legal requirements for Environmental Standard (ES) content and best practice standards for ES format and structure 
  7. The EIA regulation requirements for the ES to be delivered by a competent expert
  8. The relevant specialist assessment methods and the potential cumulative interactions between EIA topics
  9. How to manage the communication of the final ES, plan and reports to all relevant stakeholders, including those with protected characteristics, for review and sign off
  10. How to specify, procure and direct specialist input regarding the ES
  11. The ES quality review methods and how to respond to an independent review of the ES and to issues and questions raised by statutory and other bodies
  12. The importance of working with developers, consenting authorities colleagues and clients to resolve any issues
  13. How to identify, develop and secure environmental mitigation and enhancements and the importance of applying mitigation hierarchy
  14. How to manage a complex, dynamic and interrelated process
  15. When to work with developers on longer term follow up measures


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Environmental Consultant, Environmental Management Officer, Environmental Manager, Planners, Planning Officer, Environmental Management Systems Co-ordinator

SOC Code



impact; assessment; measures; pollution; climate;