Monitor and evaluate departmental or project environmental performance

Business Sectors (Suites): Organisational Environmental Awareness and Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2021


This standard describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor and evaluate departmental or project environmental performance.  The standard looks at the identification of changes in objectives and target for environmental performance and recommending improvements to departmental or project environmental performance.

This standard is suitable for:

·        An owner/manager of a business seeking to improve the environmental performance of the organisation
·        An individual with a specific brief to review departmental or project environmental performance
·        An environmental management systems co-ordinator or equivalent
·        A consultant providing environmental advice.

This standard covers monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of departmental or project objectives and targets for environmental performance.

It includes the identification, measurement and communication of current practice and the identification of improvements, the communication to all those involved in department or project environmental performance and the recommendation for change.

Those involved in monitoring and evaluating departmental or project environmental performance, need to be involved in carbon accounting and Life Cycle Assessments of their products, services, and activities.  This will involve assessing their own carbon footprint of their products and services, as well as making decisions on who to purchase resources from, through evaluating their natural capital accounting and their cardon accounting.  Organisations need to be accountable for how they manage their impact on the environment, they need to become more sustainable.  The organisation needs to look at their carbon impact at global as well as a local level.  This will also involve assessing the impact.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. Identify current departmental or project objectives and targets for environmental performance
  2. Identify, communicate and engage with relevant stakeholders, including those from protected characteristics, to assist with monitoring and evaluating departmental or project environmental performance
  3. Monitor and evaluate the achievement of departmental or project objectives and targets for environmental performance
  4. Identify variations in environmental performance and establish the reasons for these
  5. Identify good practice and areas of improvement within the department or project in relation to environmental performance
  6. Where necessary manage contractor’s environmental performance
  7. Record the findings regarding departmental or project environmental performance and recommended improvements
  8. Communicate the recommended improvements to environmental performance to relevant stakeholders
  9. Continual monitor the department or project environmental performance to ensure impacts are dealt with as soon as possible

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. Benefits to the department or project and to the environment of improved environmental performance
  2. Relevant environmental, legal, and other non-regulatory environmental requirements applicable to the organisation
  3. How to identify the relevant stakeholders, including those from protected characteristics and evaluate their views
  4. Current industry good practice associated with the environmental aspects of the organisation
  5. Methods for benchmarking departmental or project environmental performance
  6. Methods for monitoring and evaluating the achievement of objectives and targets of environmental performance
  7. The difference between active (pro-active) environmental performance monitoring and reactive monitoring
  8. The importance of managing contractor’s environmental performance, where necessary
  9. Contractor’s responsibilities in relation to their own environmental performance
  10. How to predict the environmental, social, and economic benefits of potential improvements
  11. The reasons for and benefits of continual improvement of environmental performance
  12. How to record finding in a suitable format and present recommendations, to relevant stakeholder, for improvements to environmental performance
  13. Key Performance Indicators associated with improvement to environmental performance


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Environmental Consultant, Manager, Project Manager, Project/Implementation Manager, Environmental Management Systems Co-ordinator

SOC Code



impact; assessment; pollution; protect; climate;