Control vertebrate pest populations using chemical methods LEGACY
Business Sectors (Suites): Crofting and Smallholding,Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management,Treework
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard is about controlling vertebrate pest populations using chemical methods. It relates to the work activities that you undertake to control vertebrate pests using chemical methods.
To meet this standard you will be able to:
- identify the presence of vertebrate pests
- legally apply and monitor chemical control measures.
When using chemicals you must be fully trained in their use and hold relevant qualifications where required by legislation.
This standard is for those who use chemicals to control vertebrate pests.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- carry out work safely in line with relevant health and safety requirements
- ensure appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment is worn
- interpret signs to estimate vertebrate pest population levels
- identify the presence of non-target species
- select a chemical control method appropriate to the vertebrate pests, the characteristics of the site, its location and relevant legal requirements
- develop a regime to control the application of chemical agents
- set up and maintain the necessary equipment to effectively control the application of chemicals according to manufacturers' recommendations
- handle and use chemicals safely and efficiently according to manufacturers' recommendations and relevant legal requirements
- implement the control method in a manner that minimises the risk to non-target species and the environment
- monitor the effectiveness of the control method
- dispose of mortalities and spent materials responsibly according to relevant legal requirements
- take appropriate action when problems arise during pest control activities
- maintain accurate records about vertebrate pest control
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the health and safety risks associated with the control of vertebrate pests using chemical methods
- the clothing and personal protective equipment that should be worn for the activity
- your responsibilities under relevant environmental and conservation legislation in relation to controlling pests using chemical methods
- the relevant legal restrictions controlling the purchase, storage and use of pest control chemicals including the training and certificates required before chemicals can be used
- how the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Act controls the use of chemicals
- how to identify common vertebrate pest species
- the characteristics of different vertebrate pest species and their potential impact on the site activities
- the effects of vertebrate pests on animal/plant populations
- the behavioural characteristics of vertebrate pests that will have an influence on the chemical control method selected
- the effects of the seasons and weather conditions on monitoring pest populations and how monitoring is adapted to take account of the season
- how to adapt chemical pest control methods to take account of changes in the weather
- why it is important to control the application of chemicals for non-target species
- the relevant legal requirements controlling the disposal of pest corpses and spent materials
- the importance of keeping accurate up-to-date pest control records
- how to monitor the effectiveness of the chemical control methods
- the appropriate action to take when problems arise during vertebrate pest control activities
Take action to deal with at least one of the following problems:
- chemical spillage
- malfunction of equipment
- changes in environmental conditions
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Vertebrate pests - For example: rabbits, moles, mice, rats
Chemical methods - Legal poisons
Signs of vertebrate pests activity – for example:
- direct sightings
- runs
- footprints
- damage to habitat
- dead animals
- kills
- sounds
- smells
- droppings
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Estate Worker, Gamekeeper
SOC Code
pest; predator; vertebrate; chemical; poison