Manage the transportation of animals LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Agricultural Management,Animal Care and Welfare
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2018


This standard covers managing the transportation of animals. It includes the development and implementation of plans for the transportation of animals as well as ways to determine the policies and procedures involved with transporting animals in industries such as farming, animal care or an equine business.

"Animals", in this instance, could refer to a single animal or those being transported in groups, and transportation could include road, rail, air or sea and be in or outside the UK.

Knowledge and understanding of current legislation is required, covering both transportation and the welfare of animals in a range of situations. It is also necessary to be able to assess risk, plan and carry out the logistical aspects of the transportation of animals, including those requiring quarantine or isolation during transportation.

When transporting animals by road over 65km drivers need to hold the relevant qualification for journeys either under or over 8 hours. Attendants also need to hold a qualification for journeys over 8 hours.

This standard is suitable for those with responsibility for managing the transportation of animals.

Movement of animals on foot is not covered in this standard.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. assess the need for the transportation of animals
  2. identify the route and appropriate means of transportation, transfer and staging points and make the necessary plans
  3. submit route plans to the appropriate authority and/or apply for travel permits/licences, and inform the necessary authorities where permits/licences are required in time for the transfer
  4. manage the implementation of plans for the transportation of animals
  5. confirm that all necessary animal transportation documentation has been completed accurately in accordance with relevant legislation
  6. authorise applications for licences for the movement of animals as required
  7. organise for animals to be loaded, unloaded and transported in ways that safeguard the health and safety of the animals, the people handling them and other people who may be in the vicinity
  8. determine appropriate methods of containment or restraint to be maintained during transportation and confirm they are used correctly
  9. establish procedures to maintain the required levels of hygiene and bio-security at all stages of the transportation process and confirm that they have been implemented
  10. arrange for the required welfare conditions to be maintained during transportation, in accordance with relevant animal health and welfare legislation and codes of practice
  11. establish procedures to ensure that animals are provided with food, water and exercise when required during transportation and confirm that these procedures are followed
  12. establish procedures to ensure that appropriate supervision is provided for the animals during transportation and that proper arrangements are made for them upon reaching their destination
  13. confirm that your policies and procedures comply with the relevant legislation in relation to the movement of animals and the welfare of animals during transport
  14. confirm that appropriate records are maintained and stored as required by relevant legislation, codes of practice, quality assurance requirements and organisational policies

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the reason why the animals are being transported
  2. the types of transportation available and how to select the most appropriate for the required journey and the animals to be transported
  3. under what circumstances travel permits/licences are required, where to apply for them and who can sign them
  4. the licences/documents that are required for animal importation/exportation and how to apply for these
  5. the legal and statutory requirements that affect the transportation of animals, including stocking density, numbers and species of animals, length of journey, exercise requirements, feeding and watering
  6. the relevant legislation regarding animal movement, including the correct identification of animals where required
  7. who is the required authority regarding the transportation of animals
  8. how transport should be prepared for different animals in relation to their health, safety, security and well-being
  9. how different types of animals should be prepared for transportation in relation to their health, welfare safety and security
  10. how different animals should be loaded and unloaded
  11. the containment, restraint and travelling accommodation required by different animals
  12. the methods of maintaining hygiene and bio-security measures when transporting animals and the reasons why this is important
  13. when isolation/quarantine is required during transportation and how this can be achieved
  14. when an animal is unfit for transportation
  15. the factors that can cause stress to different animals during transportation and the ways to minimise these
  16. situations that may arise, which are specific to the species being transported
  17. the importance of confirming that proper arrangements are made for the receipt of the animals at their destination
  18. your responsibilities for the health and welfare of animals under relevant legislation, codes of practice and organisational requirements
  19. the requirements for reporting and recording and the length of time for which records should be maintained


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Current animal welfare legislation:

England and Wales, Animal Welfare Act 2006Scotland, Animal Health and Welfare Act 2006Northern Ireland, Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 2011Welfare of animals during transport regulations 2006

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Animal Care, Animals in Education and Entertainment, Farmer

SOC Code



animals; transportation; crating; boxing; permits; licences; passports