Evaluate options for the use of sites in the land-based and environmental sector
This standard covers the evaluation of options for the use of sites in the land-based and environmental sector.
Sites may be used for a wide range of purposes such as commercial activities, amenity use, preservation or landscape or marine conservation.
You should have knowledge and understanding of the opportunities and constraints that affect site use, particularly in relation to the wide range of policies, legislation, regulations and designations that affect the land-based and environmental sectors.
You must carry out your work in a way that takes account of its impact on the environment.
This standard is suitable for those with responsibility for evaluating the options for the use of sites in the land-based and environmental sector.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify the opportunities and constraints of the site in the land-based and environmental sector
- consult interested parties to understand their requirements
- evaluate the opportunities and constraints and their inter-relationships
- identify any relevant site restrictions or designations in place and consider their implications for the use of the site
- evaluate the range of options available for the use of the site in order to determine the preferred option
- seek specialist advice where required
- assess that the preferred option is feasible and viable, and that it strikes the optimum balance between competing demands
- communicate with interested parties throughout the process and resolve any potential conflicts
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the options for site use and the implications for the environment and the health and wellbeing of people, flora and fauna
- the opportunities and constraints that will affect the use of the site in the land-based and environmental sector and the methods for evaluating them
- the different factors that need to be taken into account when evaluating the range of options available for the site
- the implications for the use of the site of any relevant site restrictions or designations that are in place
- who the interested parties are and the importance of maintaining communication with them
- the processes for evaluating evidence presented by interested parties
- when and where to obtain specialist advice and guidance
- how to balance the fundamental tensions relating to site use, and the options available for integrating uses
- how to assess the feasibility and viability of the options for site use
- the ways in which conflicts between interested parties may be resolved
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Interested parties:
- those directly involved
- those affected by the site
Opportunities and constraints:
- site designations
- listed buildings
- heritage assets
- public access and rights of way
- biodiversity, habitats and species
- presence of protected or non-native invasive species
- grant-funded environmental agreements
- current or previous use of the site
- other activities in the area
- physical (geographic location, climate, geology)
- natural capital
- sustainability
- carbon reduction
- climate change
- flood risk
- value of nature
- environmental
- ecological
- green infrastructure communities
- placemaking
- visitors
- site infrastructure
- public access and rights of way
- legislation
- local, regional, national and global policies
- organisational policies
- social, cultural, aesthetic and economic factors
- health and wellbeing
- cost of implementation
- resources required
- grants, subsidies or other sources of funding
Site restrictions or designations could include:
- National Park
- Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
- Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
- Special Protection Area (SPA),
- Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
- National Nature Reserve
- Marine Conservation Zone
- World Heritage Site (WHS)
- Archaeological site
- Nitrogen Vulnerable Zone (NVZ)
- Drinking Water Safeguard Zones
- Scheduled Monument (SM)
- Listed Building (LB)
- Registered Parks and Gardens (RPGs)
- Registered Battlefield (RB)
- Sites identified on the Historic Environment Record (HER)
- Public rights of way and access land
- Military training area