Plan and oversee work to create, restore or manage habitats
This standard covers planning and overseeing the work required to create, restore or manage habitats. This involves identifying the work required and developing and implementing plans for the work to be carried out. This includes the selection and briefing of a suitable workforce and monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the work in meeting the objectives.
The standard is applicable to all types of habitats and covers the full range of relevant creation, restoration, enhancement and management techniques.
You are expected to plan these activities based upon site management and other plans e.g. Biodiversity Action Plans. It is essential that you understand the characteristics of the habitat you are working in and the effects that your work will have on it.
You must ensure work is carried out in line with relevant permissions and licences and at the correct time of year. Permissions and licences may relate to work on designated sites (Sites of Special Scientific Interest, nature reserves, conservation areas, etc.), to specific types of work (tree felling, etc.) or to the presence of protected species within that site.
You must carry out your work in a way that takes account of its impact on the environment.
This standard is suitable for anyone responsible for planning and overseeing habitat creation, restoration or management work.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify and interpret the relevant information to help plan habitat creation, restoration or management work
- carry out further research or surveys, where additional information is required
- confirm the purpose, scope and objectives of the habitat creation, restoration or management work
- recognise the environmental value of the site and take account of this in your planning
- consider the use of the site and take account of this in your planning
- identify the optimal time for the work to be carried out and take account of this in your planning
- identify any relevant site restrictions or designations in place and confirm that the necessary permissions, consents or licences are in place for the work to be carried out
- communicate with the relevant interested parties regarding the planned work
- select habitat creation, restoration or management methods and identify the resources required to achieve the objectives
- confirm that a risk assessment is carried out and procedures are in place to protect the health and safety of those undertaking the work and other users of the site
- confirm that procedures are in place to protect the biosecurity of the site
- carry out an environmental assessment of the site before starting work
- establish procedures for the recycling or disposal of waste and superfluous materials in accordance with the relevant legal and other requirements
- determine the best methods for transporting equipment, materials and workforce to and from site
- develop work plans and specifications for the work in a suitable format
- brief those carrying out the work and provide all necessary details to enable them to complete their job
- oversee habitat work as it is taking place and check that it is completed in accordance with work plans and specifications
- confirm the work is carried out in accordance with the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and policies of your organisation
- check that the work is carried out tidily and safely with due regard to other users of the site
- take action when circumstances indicate changes are required to the plan
- maintain communication with those involved in, or affected by, the work
- confirm records are maintained and stored as required by the relevant legislation and your organisation
- confirm all work is carried out in accordance with the relevant national legislation, local regulations, guidance and codes of practice
- check that the site is reinstated to the required condition, which is consistent with the surrounding area
- monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of habitat work in creating desired conditions over relevant timescales
- use the outcomes from the monitoring to inform future habitat work
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the different sources of information when establishing the purpose, scope and objectives of habitat creation, restoration or management work and preparing plans
- how to obtain additional information through research or surveys
- how your planned work fits into local/organisational objectives, site management and other plans such as Biodiversity Action Plans
- how to recognise the environmental value of sites and how this affects the planning of work
- the effect that land uses such as farming, gamekeeping, recreation and tourism have on habitat creation, restoration or management work and how this affects the planning of work
- the other factors to consider when planning the work to be carried out
- the implications of any relevant site restrictions or designations that are in place
- the circumstances where permissions or licences are required and how these are obtained
- the principles of how flora and fauna live and survive and how this affects habitat creation, restoration or management work
- the importance of communicating with interested parties and the methods of communication that are likely to promote understanding
- how to identify hazards, assess risks, and develop safe working methods
- the importance of biosecurity and the required biosecurity procedures for the site
- the importance of carrying out an environmental assessment of the site before starting work and the findings that may affect the proposed work
- the relevant legal and organisational requirements for the handling, transport, storage and disposal of waste
- the principles of habitat creation, restoration and management work
- how to determine the resources required to carry out the work and how to confirm they are available where and when required
- the importance of producing work plans and specifications and what format these should be in
- the importance of briefing the workforce and how to do this
- your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and policies of your organisation
- the importance of overseeing habitat work that is being carried out and the possible actions to take where there are problems with the implementation of the plan
- the relevant environmental legislation, local regulations, guidance and codes of practice
- the potential causes of damage to the habitat and the ways in which it can be protected
- the importance of maintaining records as required by the relevant legislation and your organisation
- the importance of longer-term monitoring to determine whether the habitat work has been effective in achieving the desired outcome and the best methods for doing this
- how to use the outcomes of monitoring to help plan future habitat work
- the importance of sharing information and experiences with others to help them plan and oversee habitat creation, restoration or management
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Environmental value could be:
- ecological
- biodiversity
- aesthetic
- historical
- access and recreational
- economic
- cultural
- carbon
Habitats may be in terrestrial, freshwater, coastal or marine including:
- Coastal
- Estuary
- Farmland
- Freshwater
- Grassland
- Heathland and moorland
- Marine
- Peatlands
- Rocky
- Urban
- Wetlands
- Woodlands
Habitat creation, restoration or management work **could include:
- opening up of woodland canopy or coppicing to promote woodland flora and tree regeneration
- carbon/nitrogen capture schemes
- tree planting
- peatland restoration
- management to encourage the development of food plants for specific insects
- improving the numbers and diversity of native species through re-introductions
- re-wilding
- control of invasive, non-native plant and animal species
- river restoration
- bankside management/improvement/protection
- pond management
- flood plain/wetland restoration
- natural flood management
- erosion control
- drainage
- work to manage the effects of visitors
- scrub control in reed beds, grasslands, heathlands or moorlands
- site amelioration and habitat creation in urban or post-industrial sites
- management of marine habitats improving marsh, wetland, seagrass or riparian communities through re-vegetation and natural re-contouring of landscapes
- improving shellfish beds through seeding juvenile shellfish, creating adult spawner sanctuaries, introducing appropriate substrates etc.
- working with coastal and marine authorities to develop ecologically compatible dredging, shoreline protection and recreational activities
- use of grazing animals to manipulate vegetation
- grassland management
- management of wild animals
- adaptive management techniques
Information to help plan could include:
- site monitoring
- existing reports
- data collection
- site management plan
- Biodiversity Action Plan
- hydrology survey
- peat depth survey
- peatland condition survey
Objectives could include:
- to create or maintain suitable conditions for particular species
- to mitigate the effects of climate change on habitats
- to enhance or provide new habitats to enable connectivity
- to create or maintain a desired mix of habitats for biodiversity, access and recreation
- to conserve desirable physical or archaeological features
- to reduce the pressures of human activity on habitats
- to promote site safety
- to restore terrestrial carbon stores (peatland restoration)
Site restrictions or designations could include:
- National Park
- Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
- Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
- Special Protection Area (SPA),
- Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
- National Nature Reserve
- Marine Conservation Zone
- World Heritage Site (WHS)
- Archaeological site
- Nitrogen Vulnerable Zone (NVZ)
- Drinking Water Safeguard Zones
- Scheduled Monument (SM)
- Listed Building (LB)
- Registered Parks and Gardens (RPGs)
- Registered Battlefield (RB)
- Sites identified on the Historic Environment Record (HER)
- Public rights of way and access land
- Military training area
Work plans and specifications could include:
- drawings/plans
- site maps/aerial image assessment
- schedules
- method statements
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- manufacturers' guidelines
- legal requirements
- good practice guidelines
- customer requirements
- standard of outcome required
- verbal instructions