Respond to incidents and emergencies in the land- based sector LEGACY
This standard covers responding to incidents and emergencies in the land-based sector. These could include fire, flood, spillage, contamination or other environmental incidents (on land or water), scenes of crime, accidents and medical emergencies, health and safety and security incidents.
This standard applies to anyone working in the land-based sector. It is important that you are aware of the procedures that are in place to deal with incidents and emergencies including what to do, how to use emergency equipment, how to contact the emergency services and other relevant sources of assistance, and what details should be recorded and reported
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- take the required action in accordance with organisation procedures and instructions within your responsibility, authority and competence, in the event of an incident or emergency
- where necessary, summon help from the relevant emergency services or other sources of assistance, where necessary
- give full details of the incident or emergency to the relevant emergency service or other responsible persons
- provide support to others who are assisting with the incident or emergency
- preserve the integrity of evidence where this could be required by the emergency services or other parties e.g. an insurance company, Health and Safety Executive
- maintain your own safety while responding to incidents or emergencies
- supply information about the incident or emergency that might help to establish the cause and prevent a recurrence
- complete the required documentation in line with relevant legal and organisational requirements and timescales
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the types of incident or emergency that could occur in your place of work
- the procedures and specific instructions for responding to incidents and emergencies in your place of work, including evacuation procedures and contingency plans
- the limits of your responsibility, authority and competence to deal with incidents and emergencies
- how to contact the emergency services or other relevant sources of assistance, and the information to give them
- what actions you can take to assist the situation e.g. isolating machinery, the use of emergency equipment, evacuating the area
- the importance of teamwork in an emergency situation
- safe practices that should be used when responding to incidents and emergencies
- the legislative and organisational requirements for reporting and recording incidents and emergencies
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
relevant source of assistance: e.g. first aider, manager, health and safety person, vet