Manage incidents and emergencies in the land-based sector LEGACY
This standard is aimed at those who work at a management level in the land-based sector and who are required to deal with and manage incidents and emergencies. These could include fire, flood, spillage, contamination or other environmental incidents (on land or water), scenes of crime, accidents and medical emergencies, as well as health and safety and security incidents.
It is important that procedures are in place to deal with incidents and emergencies. These must be communicated to those who need to know, including information on how to use emergency equipment, how to contact the emergency services and other relevant sources of assistance, and how to record and report details of incidents and emergencies.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- confirm that procedures are in place to deal with incidents and emergencies
- check that procedures and instructions for dealing with incidents and emergencies are communicated to those that need to be informed
- take responsibility in the event of an incident or emergency and respond promptly with a proposed course of action
- seek and clarify information about the incident or emergency
- summon the help of the relevant emergency services or other sources of assistance, where necessary, giving full details of the incident or emergency
- work with other responders where required
- provide relevant information to everyone involved in or affected by the incident or emergency, including any information on potential risks
- provide support and direction to those involved in the incident or emergency
- check that the integrity of evidence is preserved where this could be required by the emergency services or other parties e.g. an insurance company, Health and Safety Executive
- maintain your own safety while managing incidents or emergencies
- collect information about the incident or emergency that might help to establish the cause and prevent a recurrence
- check that the procedure for recording and reporting incidents and emergencies is followed and the required documentation is completed in line with the relevant legal and organisational requirements and timescales
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the procedures and specific instructions for dealing with incidents and emergencies, including the evacuation procedures and contingency plans
- the importance of communicating procedures and instructions to those who need to be informed and how this should be done
- the importance of responding promptly to an incident or emergency and providing direction
- the importance of seeking and clarifying information about the incident or emergency to inform the course of action
- how to contact the emergency services or other relevant sources of assistance and the information to give them
- the importance of keeping those involved in or affected by the incident or emergency informed of the situation and any potential risks
- the importance of preserving the integrity of evidence
- the safe practices that should be used when managing incidents and emergencies
- the importance of investigating the cause of incidents and emergencies
- the legislative and organisational procedures for recording and reporting incidents and emergencies and the requirements for the completion of documentation