Assist with searches for missing persons
Business Sectors (Suites): Incident Management in the Land-based Sector
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
30 Mar 2023
This standard covers assisting with searches for missing persons. It includes following instructions concerning the search requirements, working with others to carry out the search, maintaining communication with others and maintaining your own safety.
This standard is for anyone who assists with searches for missing persons.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. obtain the necessary information to assist with the search and clarify anything that is unclear
2. confirm your role, responsibilities and the lines of reporting authority
3. make the necessary preparations to take part in the search and check that the required equipment is prepared
4. follow the instructions provided by those in control of the search operation
5. take the appropriate action with regard to search conditions and any hazards that are present
6. ensure the search method and operation is in line with instructions and the search conditions
7. maintain communication with those taking part in the search and report any information gathered to the person in charge
8. maintain your safety during the search operation
9. report any problems encountered and request assistance where required
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the information required to assist with the search
- the importance of confirming your role, responsibilities and line of reporting authority with those involved in the search operation
- how to prepare for the search and the equipment required
- how weather, time of day, light conditions and terrain can affect search activities
- the types of hazards that may be present in the area and the action to be taken
- the importance of following instructions and working with others involved in the search
- the various types of search patterns and the importance of following search methods in accordance with instructions
- the methods and procedures for maintaining communication with others during the search
- the importance of reporting any information gathered to the person in charge of the search
- the importance of continuously assessing risks and maintaining your safety during the search
- the action to take if problems are encountered
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Equipment could include:
• Vehicles
• Binoculars
• Drones
• Radios
• Megaphones
• Maps
• Torches
• Whistles
• Blankets
• First aid equipment
• Search and rescue dogs
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
30 Mar 2028
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Estate Worker, Ranger
SOC Code
missing person; search