Monitor and evaluate policies for the management of animals

Business Sectors (Suites): Animal Care and Welfare,Animal Technology
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about monitoring and evaluating policies for the management of animals

You will need to monitor external conditions including relevant legislation, technology, advances in knowledge and practice. You will also need to obtain information, both qualitative and quantitative, on the implementation of policy, evaluate this against policy and deal with variations from the plans (e.g. financial, physical or use of human resources) and take action when required.

This standard is for those whose work role is to monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies for the management of animals.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. obtain data and information for evaluation from the implementation of animal management policies

  2. monitor external conditions regularly in order to determine the effect they may have on the policies and the effectiveness of the management of animals

  3. take action where monitoring shows there are variations from animal management policies

  4. evaluate the animal management systems and methods available to confirm they comply with the relevant legal requirements and promote good practice

  5. confirm that records are maintained and stored as required by the relevant legislation and organisational policy

  6. take the action required for the conclusions of the evaluation

  7. communicate any changes to the policies for the management of animals to all those involved in, or affected by, your work

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the data and information produced from the implementation of the animal management policies

  2. how to assess the difference between the information that the management system produces and the effectiveness of the animal management policies

  3. the ways of presenting qualitative and quantitative data and information and the methods that are beneficial to the organisation or for the activity concerned

  4. how changes in public opinion, markets and competitor activity, the relevant legislation, knowledge and practice and current technology may affect animal management systems and practices

  5. how public pressure and lobbying may affect how people consider the management of animals, and the effect this may have on the organisation

  6. the methods available for monitoring and evaluating external conditions

  7. the methods available for monitoring and evaluating animal health and welfare

  8. the action that may be necessary following an evaluation, and how to decide the timing of action

  9. the variances in data that may occur and how to assess the importance of these

  10. how to determine the action required when there is variance

  11. the relevant legal requirements for animal management and how to apply these to the setting up and running of such establishments

  12. the records necessary for internal purposes, and external regulations for animal management

  13. how long records should be stored for to allow organisations to function, and to comply with the relevant legislation


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Current animal welfare legislation:

  • England and Wales, Animal Welfare Act

  • Scotland, Animal Health and Welfare Act

  • Northern Ireland, Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland)

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Animal Care, Animal Facility Manager, Operations Manager

SOC Code



animal; management; policy; evaluate; variances