Determine policies for the management of animals

Business Sectors (Suites): Animal Care and Welfare,Animal Technology
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about determining policies for the management of animals within an establishment.

It covers the setting of policy objectives taking into account opportunities and constraints (e.g. environmental impact, resource implications, needs of key interest groups). You will need to identify feasible and viable options and develop arrangements for reviewing policy considering animal characteristics (e.g. types and mix of animals, numbers and quality of animals). You will also have to communicate agreed policy to key interest groups.

This standard is for those whose work role is to set and agree policies for the management of animals.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. clearly establish the intended purpose for keeping the animals

  2. identify and evaluate the opportunities and constraints related to animal management

  3. review the policy options available for animal management in order to determine the preferred option

  4. determine a policy option that is feasible and viable, striking the optimum balance between the animal characteristics and the purposes of the establishment and ensuring animal welfare needs are met

  5. specify the arrangements for reviewing policies

  6. agree policies with all those involved in, or affected by, your work, in accordance with the requirements of your organisation

  7. communicate the agreed policies to key interest groups

  8. complete records as required by the relevant legislation and organisational policy

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:


  2. the intended purposes for keeping the animals and whether any of the purposes takes precedence

  3. the nature of the various opportunities and constraints

  4. how to assess opportunities and constraints and how these might be used to benefit the organisation

  5. how to evaluate the opportunities and constraints to determine a course of action

  6. the different aspects of animal health and well-being and how they interrelate

  7. how to facilitate animal health and well-being for the animals concerned

  8. the ways in which optimisation of health and well-being may differ from one animal to another

  9. the resources that the organisation has available in order to put the policies into effect

  10. determine the factors and the interrelationships that will impact on the policies

  11. the interrelationships between the different animal characteristics

  12. the rationale for reviewing policies and how this can best be achieved

  13. the importance of communicating the agreed policy/policies to interest groups

  14. the relevant legislation, regulations and codes of conduct that affect the keeping and management of animals

  15. the types of information and records that need to be kept and the importance of completing these in accordance with the relevant legislation and organisational policy


Factors and interrelationships:

  1. environmental impact of keeping animals
  2. the surrounding area and the wider community of people
  3. flora and fauna
  4. resource implications in keeping animals
  5. needs of key interest groups, who they are, their legitimacy and sources of influence
  6. external opportunities and constraints relating to policies, legislation, regulations and designations
  7. organisational policies and objectives

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Current animal welfare legislation:

  • England and Wales, Animal Welfare Act

  • Scotland, Animal Health and Welfare Act

  • Northern Ireland, Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland)

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Animal Care, Animal Facility Manager, Operations Manager

SOC Code



management; animals; policies; determine;