Manage an animal therapy centre

Business Sectors (Suites): Animal Care and Welfare,Veterinary paraprofessional activities
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about the management of an animal therapy centre. This will include developing and implementing policies and procedures and checking compliance with the current animal health and welfare legislation.

The current Veterinary Surgeons Act limits the activities that may be carried out by those who are not qualified veterinary surgeons. All activities should be carried out within the constraints of the current Veterinary Surgeons Act and the current Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order.

Users of the standard will need to confirm that their practice uses scientifically robust data, humane standards and policies, and that they work within the limits of their authority, expertise, training, competence and experience.

This standard is suitable for those working in the animal care sector with responsibility for the management of an animal therapy centre.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work in accordance with the current Veterinary Surgeons Act, the current Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order and the limits of your authority, expertise, training, competence and experience

  2. work professionally and ethically and within the requirements of the relevant professional organisation

  3. comply with the relevant animal health and welfare and animal-related legislation and associated codes of practice

  4. develop and implement policies for the handling of animals when managing an animal therapy centre

  5. develop and implement a plan for the provision of animal therapy with clearly defined aims and policies

  6. develop, apply and monitor the hygiene and biosecurity policies for the therapy centre to minimise the risk of infection to animals and humans

  7. implement and manage a record system in accordance with the relevant legal requirements

  8. confirm that records are maintained and stored as required by the relevant legislation and organisational policy

  9. confirm that the required resources, including staffing are available

  10. check that all those involved in the provision of animal therapy have the skills and knowledge required to carry out the activities safely

  11. manage facilities, supplies, equipment and any other resources required for the physical therapy of animals

  12. develop and implement policies for the checking, servicing, maintenance and disposal of equipment and resources

  13. confirm that risks to the health and safety of personnel or animals are identified and minimised

  14. outline contingency plans for dealing with problems that might arise e.g. health issues, emergencies, animal escapes or equipment failure

  15. maintain professional working relationships with colleagues, clients, veterinary surgeons and other animal health and welfare professionals

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the requirements of the current Veterinary Surgeons Act and the current Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order in relation to your role and the limits of your authority, expertise, training, competence and experience

  2. your professional responsibilities and the importance of Continuing Professional Development to maintain professional competence

  3. your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, associated codes of practice and organisational policies

  4. your responsibilities under the relevant animal health and welfare and animal-related legislation and associated codes of practice

  5. the importance of site hygiene and biosecurity when managing an animal therapy centre and how to produce procedures and protocols

  6. the importance of maintaining client and patient confidentiality and the requirements of current data protection legislation

  7. how to develop and manage a plan for the provision of animal therapy with clearly defined aims and policies

  8. how to implement and manage a record system in accordance with the relevant legal requirements and organisational policy

  9. the resources required, including staff, to provide physical therapy for animals within an animal therapy centre

  10. how to assess and minimise risks to personnel or other animals

  11. the requirements for the facilities, supplies, equipment and resources used for various animal rehabilitation treatments

  12. where to obtain professional advice and guidance

  13. the role of professional bodies and associations allied to animal therapy

  14. the role and importance of communication with other animal-related professionals and paraprofessionals

  15. your legal and professional liability when working as an animal health and welfare para-professional, and the importance of insurance cover

  16. the records and reports that need to be kept in relation to managing an animal therapy centre and the importance of completing them in accordance with the relevant legislation and organisational policy


Aims and policies covering:

  1. the range of therapy services provided and how the plan may vary by the service and requirements of individual animals and their owners
  2. species included
  3. the health and welfare needs of the animal are assessed and addressed
  4. access and handling by people
  5. interaction with other animals
  6. safety and security requirements
  7. emergency arrangements
  8. access to and provision of veterinary attention
  9. legislation and licensing requirements

  10. appropriate insurances and liabilities

  11. any special requirements or restrictions

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Current animal welfare legislation:
  • Veterinary Surgeons Act

  • The Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order 

  • England and Wales, Animal Welfare Act

  • Scotland, Animal Health and Welfare Act

  • Northern Ireland, Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 

Equipment and resources could include:
  • water quality and levels

  • use, storage and disposal of chemicals

  • disposal of waste

  • treadmills and exercise equipment

  • electrotherapy equipment

  • restraining and control equipment e.g. headcollars, collars, leads

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Animal Therapies

SOC Code



animals, rehabilitation, hydrotherapy, therapy