Make recommendations for the provision of animals in education or entertainment
This standard is about making recommendations for the provision of animals in education or entertainment when production budgets involve animals.
It includes finding out what the production requirements are and matching animals and suppliers to those needs based on the knowledge of how specific animals are likely to perform on the set.
The standard also covers outlining a budget for the animal's role in the production. The budget should take into account the cost of care and transportation as well as the cost of any special needs that the animal(s) may have.
This standard is for those who recommend animals for education and entertainment.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
work professionally and ethically and within the limits of your own authority, expertise, training, competence and experience
confirm that all the relevant legal and statutory requirements for working with animals are maintained
comply with the relevant animal health and welfare and animal-related legislation and associated codes of practice
analyse the script breakdown to identify the requirements for the animals taking part in an education or entertainment production
make recommendations for the provision of specific animals, that can be legally supplied, to meet the requirements for the education or entertainment production
recommend suitable suppliers and individual animals that match the requirements for the education or entertainment production
identify the availability and fitness of animals to take part in the education or entertainment production
provide information about chosen animals to the education or entertainment production team
confirm that the animal's welfare needs will be properly maintained throughout their stay in the education or entertainment production environment
determine any specific needs for the animal provided that may impact on production costs
prepare a draft budget for animal costs to present for negotiation with the education or entertainment production team
provide information to enable those involved in the education or entertainment production, to assess the impact that any major potential contingencies would have on the ability to maintain their production budget
confirm that the records and calculations used in preparing budgets are maintained and stored as required by the relevant legislation and organisational policy
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
your professional responsibilities when recommending animals for education or entertainment productions and the limits of your authority, expertise, training, competence and experience
the relevant legal and statutory requirements that relate to working with animals and how to check that these are maintained
your responsibilities under relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, associated codes of practice and organisational policies
your responsibility under the relevant animal health and welfare and animal-related legislation and associated code of practice
how to analyse a script breakdown, including location, type of action and duration of filming, to identify the requirements for the animals in education or entertainment production
how to identify, and where to source, suitable animals to meet different education or entertainment production requirements
the relevant legislation relating to supplying animals for education or entertainment productions
how to maintain animal's welfare needs throughout their stay in the education or entertainment production environment
the specific welfare needs of the animal during their stay on the set
the behavioural and physiological factors that may affect an animal’s ability to fulfil education or entertainment production requirements
when to recommend the use of live animals or animatronics to achieve the desired creative effect
the importance of providing accurate information when making recommendations for the provision of animals
the use of images of animals to support recommendations
the relevant methods of communicating information about animals
the principles of budgeting and budget preparation in relation to film and television productions
how to identify the full range of costs that can occur when using animals for education or entertainment productions
the main pitfalls or contingencies that can affect education or entertainment production budgets and what information you need to provide in relation to these
the methods of presenting financial information in relation to film and television productions
the records that need to be kept in relation to making recommendations for providing animals for education or entertainment productions, and the importance of completing these in accordance with the relevant legislation and organisational policy
the length of time they are required
the type of action required, including any interaction with humans and other animals
the kind of environment where the filming will take place
correct breed
correct gender
desired appearance
lifespan consistent with the filming requirements
suitable age
fulfil health and safety requirements
filming going over the allocated time
new shots being requested
re-scheduling of shots
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Current animal welfare legislation:
England and Wales, Animal Welfare Act
Scotland, Animal Health and Welfare Act
Northern Ireland, Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland)