Plan and monitor the establishment and management of animal populations
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
confirm the purpose, scope and objectives of the establishment and management of the animal population
identify the constraints and opportunities that are relevant to establishing and managing the animal population
develop plans that achieve a balance between the intended purpose and the risks and opportunities and constraints
identify and obtain any necessary permissions, consents or licences from the relevant authorities as required by current legislation
identify the resources required to achieve the plans and establish the availability of these resources
produce plans that contain the necessary information for their implementation at the specified site
present and communicate plans to all those involved in, or affected by the plan
select monitoring methods that are suitable to the establishment and management plans and for those involved in its implementation
monitor establishment and management at optimal frequencies to evaluate progress against the plan and take any necessary action
confirm that all work is carried out in accordance with the relevant local and national legislation, guidance and codes of practice
confirm all work is carried out in accordance with the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements and organisation policies
confirm that records are maintained and stored as required by the relevant legislation and organisational policies
monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the establishment and management of animal populations in meeting the desired outcome over the required timescales
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the intended purpose, scope and objectives of the establishment and management of animal populations and the impact of this activity on the surrounding environment
the methods for identifying the opportunities and constraints when establishing and managing animal populations
the requirements and relevant legislation relating to the establishment and management of animal populations
the planning methods and the circumstances in which they apply
the circumstances where permissions or licences are required and how to apply for and obtain them
the methods available for assessing the animal population growth targets
the methods available for calculating the size and types of facilities required for potential animal population growth
how to formulate plans that meet the objectives, taking into account the opportunities and constraints
how to determine the resources required and how to check that they are available in the location and at the time required
the importance of producing work plans and specifications and how to do these
the importance of maintaining communication with the workforce and all those involved in, or affected by, your work
the factors that affect the establishment of animal populations and how these can be managed
the factors that aid animal population growth and how these can be encouraged
the methods available for monitoring progress against the plan
the actions you should take where there are problems with the implementation of the plan
your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and the policies of your organisation
the records that need to be kept in relation to the animal populations and the importance of completing these in accordance with the relevant legislation and organisation policies
the importance of long-term monitoring to determine whether establishment and management has been effective in achieving the desired outcome, and the methods for doing this
the importance of sharing information and experiences with others in accordance with relevant legislation and organisational policies
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
social, cultural and aesthetic