Provide and manage accommodation for animals
This standard is about providing and managing the accommodation for animals, whether this accommodation is existing, temporary or new, and for either day or overnight boarding. It covers the type of accommodation, hygiene and bio-security and monitoring the condition of animals in the accommodation.
Users of the standard will need to confirm that their practice reflects up-to-date information and policies, and that they work within the limits of their authority, expertise, training, competence and experience.
This standard is for those with responsibility for providing and managing animal accommodation.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- carry out your work in accordance with the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, associated codes of practice and organisational policies
- carry out your work in accordance with the relevant animal health and welfare and animal-related legislation, associated codes of practice and organisational policies
- assess the potential risks to health and safety in providing and managing accommodation for animals
- monitor and confirm that hygiene and bio-security measures are established and maintained, in accordance with organisational practices and the relevant legislation
- assess how the needs of animals may be provided for while under your duty of care
- provide and manage relevant accommodation for the animal and its requirements
- confirm that accommodation is prepared and is clean and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the animal
- check the environmental conditions in the accommodation and confirm that they can be adjusted to suit the animals' requirements
- check that the personal protective equipment (PPE) is relevant for the activity
- provide animals with the required stimulation, companionship and enrichment where practical
- check that accommodation is correctly labelled with the animals’ details and that records are completed in accordance with organisational procedures and the relevant legislation
- restrict access to the accommodation according to the animals' requirements and organisational procedures
- confirm that animals are provided with the necessary care according to their requirements
- monitor the animals and take the required action when any problems with accommodation or with companions are identified
- maintain the security of the animals to protect them from injury, theft or escape
- manage waste in accordance with the relevant legislation and organisational policies
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, associated codes of practice and organisational policies
- your responsibilities under the relevant animal health and welfare and animal-related legislation, associated codes of practice and organisational policies
- how to identify hazards and assess risks to health and safety when providing and managing accommodation for animals
- the importance of maintaining hygiene and bio-security and the methods for achieving this
- how the needs of animals under your duty of care may be assessed and addressed
- how to provide and manage accommodation for the animals in your care, and what factors should be considered
- the required environmental conditions for the animals in your care and the way that these can be adjusted
- how to select the cleaning methods and materials that are required for the accommodation, the animals and their requirements
- the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) relevant for the activity
- the relevant legal and organisational measures for the handling and storage of potentially harmful substances
- the organisational procedure for rectifying any damage to accommodation
- how to maintain the safety and security of the animal’s accommodation
- who is authorised to access the animal’s accommodation
- how and when animal accommodation should be monitored, and how animals’ requirements influence such monitoring
- the different types and levels of care provided in animal accommodation
- the behaviour that indicates that animals may be having problems and the action to take
- the importance of seeking veterinary assistance where necessary
- how to minimise stress in animals when in their accommodation
- how to handle, store and dispose of different types of waste, in accordance with the relevant legislation and organisational procedures
- the records that need to be kept in relation to the provision and management of accommodation for animals, and the importance of completing these in accordance with the relevant legislation and organisational policy
- the importance of maintaining records in contact tracing for infectious diseases, including notifiable diseases
Provide accommodation for the animals in your care to cover the following requirements:
- species
- breed and/or size of animal/social groupings
- age
- sex/reproductive status
- health
- feeding requirements
- purpose
- other animals
- handling and exercise requirements
- temperament
- bedding
- enrichment
- safety
- security
- medical or other special needs
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Current animal welfare legislation:
- England and Wales, Animal Welfare Act
- Scotland, Animal Health and Welfare Act
- Northern Ireland, Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland)
Environmental conditions:
- light
- temperature
- humidity
- ventilation
- noise
- vibrations
- weather conditions
Damage to accommodation:
- mesh
- locks
- grills
- doors
- frames
- glass
- internal fittings