Plan and control the movement of animals

Business Sectors (Suites): Animal Care and Welfare
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about planning and controlling the movement of animals. Animals may need to be moved for a variety of reasons such as to avoid competition, for breeding, selling, or changing accommodation, as well as responding to unplanned events caused by changes to the weather or veterinary attention.

This standard includes the planning, resources, bio-security and safety of the animals as well as all those involved in or affected by your work. You will need to confirm that the location to which the animals are moved is safe, secure and suitable. It will also be necessary to monitor and review the suitability of the move, whether it was planned or unplanned.

You need to be aware of your own limitations and check that you meet the relevant legal responsibilities for providing a duty of care under current animal health and welfare legislation.

This standard is for those with responsibility for planning and controlling the movement of animals.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work professionally and ethically and within the limits of your authority, expertise, training, competence and experience

  2. comply with the relevant animal health and welfare and animal-related legislation, associated codes of practice and organisational policies

  3. confirm that risks to the health and safety of yourself, all those involved in, or affected by your work and that of the animals being moved, are identified and minimised

  4. plan for the movement of animals, considering the reasons for the move

  5. assess the fitness of the animals to be moved between locations

  6. check the availability of a suitable location or accommodation to which the animals can be moved

  7. assess the new location to confirm that it meets the animals' requirements

  8. select a suitable route (shortest, safest, smoothest) to the new location

  9. select and implement relevant hygiene and bio-security measures and check that they are maintained

  10. identify the relevant method for moving the animals and the necessary equipment, including transport, required

  11. confirm the availability of resources, including staff, required for the safe completion of the movement of animals

  12. communicate the movement plan to all those involved to ensure that the animal’s welfare is maintained and the risks to those affected by the movement are reduced

  13. prepare and follow contingency plans for the movement of animals, if required

  14. control the movement of animals without compromising the health, safety and well-being of the animal or other animals in the vicinity

  15. confirm that animals are established in their new accommodation after moving and that the animals' requirements have been met

  16. monitor and control the implementation of the movement plans

  17. respond to unplanned reasons for the movement of animals and monitor the movement

  18. confirm that records are maintained and stored, as required by the relevant legislation and organisational policy

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. your professional and the limits of your own authority, expertise, training, competence and experience

  2. your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment, associated codes of practice and organisational policies

  3. your responsibilities under the relevant animal health and welfare and animal-related legislation, associated codes of practice and organisational policies

  4. how to assess the risks involved with the movement of animals and how to minimise them

  5. the reason for the animals to be moved and how this may affect the movement plan

  6. how to assess the suitability of the location to which the animals will be moved and the factors affecting the choice of route for movement

  7. the methods relevant for controlling the movement of animals and the required equipment

  8. the importance of implementing the correct hygiene and bio-security measures and how these can be achieved

  9. the resources required, including staff, to control the movement of animals

  10. the staff competencies needed for controlling animal movement

  11. the importance of communicating the movement plan to all those involved in, or affected by, the activity

  12. how to assess the health of the animals to be moved and how this may affect their movement and the method used

  13. the types of physical and behavioural conditions that may affect the movement of animals

  14. the specific needs of the animal you are moving, before, during and after movement and how to recognise these needs by observing changes in their behaviour

  15. how environmental conditions may affect the movement of animals as well as the method of movement

  16. how movement can impact on the health and welfare of animals

  17. the range of handling and restraint methods relevant to the animals being moved

  18. the different methods of identification used for animals and which methods are relevant for the animal to be moved

  19. the ways by which animals can be established after moving and the requirements that must be met

  20. the circumstances that may dictate the need to change the movement plan; including immediately and in the long-term

  21. the circumstances that may require the unplanned movement of animals

  22. the records that need to be kept in relation to planning and controlling the movement of animals and the importance of completing these in accordance with the relevant legislation and organisational policy


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Current animal welfare legislation:

  • England and Wales, Animal Welfare Act

  • Scotland, Animal Health and Welfare Act

  • Northern Ireland, Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland)

Links To Other NOS

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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Animal Care

SOC Code



animals; transport; move; location