Monitor and maintain the healthy growth of crops LEGACY
This standard covers monitoring and maintaining the healthy growth of crops. You will be able to monitor the growth of crops, take the necessary action to maintain the healthy growth of the crop and control risks to crops from weeds, pests, diseases and disorders. This could include the application of nutrients to promote healthy growth or the implementation of suitable methods to control weeds, pests, diseases or disorders. When working with machinery or equipment you should be trained and hold current certification where required. When carrying out your work you must consider the impact it will have on the environment. The standard is suitable for those with responsibility for monitoring and maintaining the healthy growth of crops.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- assess the risks associated with the activity to be carried out
- wear suitable clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)
- monitor the growth and development of crops in accordance
with instructions and specifications
- assess the soil condition and nutrient status for the crop
- seek technical advice regarding nutrient requirements and the
suitable actions to take, when required
- determine the nutrients required to maintain healthy growth and
how they should be applied to the crop
- implement methods of applying the required nutrients to the crop
- assess risks to the crop from weeds, pests, diseases and
- seek technical advice regarding the control of weeds, pests,
diseases and disorders and the suitable actions to take, when
- determine the method of minimising risks to the crop from
identified weeds, pests, diseases or disorders to achieve the best
balance between production requirements, environmental impact
and the purpose for which the crop is being grown
- implement methods of controlling weeds, pests, diseases and
disorders in the crop, in accordance with relevant legal
requirements and business practices
- confirm, where chemicals have been applied to the crop, that they
are used in accordance with relevant legal requirements and
business practices
- monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of all actions taken to
maintain the healthy growth of crops
- confirm that hygiene and bio-security are maintained in
accordance with business practices
- maintain communication with colleagues and others involved in,
or affected by, your work
- follow industry and business guidance to minimise environmental
- confirm that waste is processed safely and correctly, in
accordance with relevant legal requirements and business
- confirm that business environmental and health and safety
policies and risk assessment requirements are put into practice
across your area of responsibility
- confirm that records are maintained and stored as required by
relevant legislation and the business
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to identify hazards and assess risks
- the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)
suitable for the activity
- the requirements, advantages and disadvantages of different crop
production systems
- the principles of sustainable agriculture and Integrated Crop
Management (ICM)
- the stages of crop development
- how to determine the optimum time for monitoring the growth and
development of crops given the crop requirements, the stage of
growth, the time of year and the potential risks from weeds, pests,
diseases and disorders
- the methods that can be used to monitor the growth and
development of crops, including the use of thresholds and
- the problems of soil compaction
- the ways of checking that the correct amount of nutrients is
available to crops
- the meaning of pH and how to establish it
- the role of major and trace elements in the healthy growth of
- the nutrient requirements for different crops
- the sources of technical advice about the suitable actions to take
to provide nutrients to crops
- the purpose of applying nutrients and how they can be adjusted to
encourage the healthy growth of crops
- the types of nutrients that may be applied to the crop and the
application methods that must be used
- the different forms of fertiliser available and how they should be
- how to recognise the presence of weeds, pests, diseases and
disorders that may affect the crop
- the sources of technical advice about the suitable actions to take
to control weeds, pests, diseases and disorders
- the purpose and requirements of Integrated Pest Management
- the range of different actions that may be taken to protect crops
from weeds, pests, diseases and disorders in accordance with
different production systems, and the implications of not taking
- the methods of pest control that may be used and how to
maximise the effectiveness of these
- the purpose and use of chemicals on crops and the possible
implications for the operator, the crop, the environment and the
- the requirements of legislation in relation to the handling and use
of chemicals
- manufacturer's labels and data sheets in relation to the
preparation and use of chemicals and the correct methods of
- the importance of monitoring and evaluating the outcome of all
actions taken to maintain the healthy growth of crops
- the importance of maintaining hygiene and bio-security while
maintaining the healthy growth of crops and the methods for
achieving these
- the importance of maintaining communication with those involved
in, or affected by, your work and how this should be done
- the potential impact that your activities could have on the
environment and ways in which this can be minimised, including
NVZ (Nitrate Vulnerable Zone) considerations, water pollution and
the impacts of overdosing on plant health
- how to handle, transport, store and dispose of waste in
accordance with relevant legal requirements and business
- your responsibilities under relevant environmental and health and
safety legislation, codes of practice and business policies
- the records that need to be kept and the importance of completing
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Different actions to combat weeds, pests and disease include:
crop covers
variety choice
inter-row cultivation
stale seedbeds
minimum till
Instructions and specifications:
method statements
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
manufacturer's guidelines
customer requirements
crop requirements
verbal instructions
Major and trace elements:
e.g. nitrogen, sulphur, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus
Monitor the growth and development of crops:
• desired healthy growth
• pests, diseases and disorders
• animal
• insect
• viral
• bacterial
• fungal
• nutrient
• trace element deficiency
• drought
• water logging
Pest Control:
• fencingscarers
• repellents
• shooting
• biological
• chemical
• use of beneficial insects
Sustainable agriculture: Meeting the requirements for food production
while maintaining profitability and preserving the environment.