Manage internal organisational development and external relationships LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Community Development
Developed by: NYA
Approved on: 2015


This standard is about creating an environment in which organisations can carry out inclusive and effective community development work. The standard involves managing internal structures and systems to ensure effective community development work. At the same time, the standard encourages community development practitioners to be outward looking to respond to community issues and needs. This standard relates to the tasks that need to be undertaken to raise awareness of community development within own organisation and to managing the relationships between the organisation and the communities with which it works.

This standard is relevant to those who manage relationships in community development and to all managers of community development organisations.

The community development standards are arranged in six key areas:

•  One - Understand and practise community development

•  Two - Understand and engage with communities

•  Three - Group work and collective action

•  Four - Collaboration and cross-sectoral working

•  Five - Community learning for social change

•  Six - Governance and organisational development

This standard is within Key Area Six.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1  gather evidence to analyse political, social and economic changes to the working environment for their implications on own community development practice

2  deal effectively with change, uncertainty and conflict that is internal or external to the organisation

3  support joint problem solving within teams and between practitioners and other organisational staff to achieve organisational objectives

4  develop and implement practice to increase community empowerment and involvement in planning and decision-making processes

5  manage the tensions that may arise between professional and organisational values in own organisation

6  manage the impact of own organisation's decisions on communities

7  develop organisational policies to support the continuing professional development of community development practitioners

8  give guidance on models of devolved decision making and planning to others in the organisation

9  reflect on practice to inform management decisions relating to organisational development and change

10  assess the impact of community development practice on particular communities and share this with relevant others to support future planning

11 use different leadership styles for different situations in own organisation and external relationships

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

The context

1  key issues in managing and supporting community development

2  the context for own community development organisation within local, regional and national policy

3  the nature, composition and history of local communities

4  organisational ethos and procedures that will impact on communities

5  legislation affecting work with community groups and communities

Models and processes required for managing community development practice

6  how to advocate for community development practice at a strategic level in own organisation

7  how to measure the impact of community development on communities and organisations

8  how to facilitate individual and organisational change and development

9  approaches to managing conflict

Resources for managing community development practice

10  the value community development practice experience brings to a management role

11  how to source and access specialist advice and information relevant to improving organisational practices and structures

12  models for devolved decision-making and their suitability in different situations

13  the importance of critically reflecting on internal organisational practice as part of professional and organisational development


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge


Community development is underpinned by a set of values which distinguish it from other, sometimes related, activities in the community. These values are at the core of community development and underpin each of the standards. The values are;

1  Social justice and equality

2  Anti-discrimination

3  Community empowerment

4  Collective action

5  Working and learning together

The following examples illustrate how each of the community development values might inform practice in this standard. These statements are not part of assessment requirements.

1  creative thinking is applied to ensure inclusive approaches to problem solving

2  issues of discrimination raised by communities are listened to and acted upon

3  participatory decision-making processes are adopted which actively involve communities and organisations

4  the collective nature of community development is maintained in the face of targets relating to individuals

5  community members are motivated and supported to take the lead on building external relationships​




Links To Other NOS

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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Learning Skills Improvement Service

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Community Support Groups, Community Voluntary Workers

SOC Code



community development; community development practitioner; community development practice; community development values; community development research; community development consultation; community development groups; community development methods