Facilitate community leadership LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Community Development
Developed by: NYA
Approved on: 2015


This standard is about encouraging and, when necessary, demonstrating leadership in communities. It is about nurturing inclusive and effective community leadership which will motivate and support individuals and communities to become involved and work together to achieve collective objectives.

In this standard the community development practitioner facilitates the development of community leadership skills. This may include demonstrating and role modelling certain behaviours and styles, giving advice, feedback and identifying areas for development and learning.

This standard is relevant to all community development practitioners who encourage, motivate and support others to lead community activity.

The community development standards are arranged in six key areas:

•  One - Understand and practise community development

•  Two - Understand and engage with communities

•  Three - Group work and collective action

•  Four - Collaboration and cross-sectoral working

•  Five - Community learning for social change

•  Six - Governance and organisational development

This standard is within Key Area Three

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1  promote styles of leadership appropriate to community development organisation

2  use different leadership styles in developing, supporting and nurturing community leadership

3  lead by example to win the trust and support of others in own community

4  support others to work together, take the initiative and demonstrate leadership when appropriate within the organisation

5  manage the tensions that arise from different understandings of the term 'leadership'

6  involve others in developing and communicating agreed vision, purpose, objectives and plans for the community

7  use participative decision-making methods which are open, transparent and accountable to the communities involved

8  establish understanding of roles in relation to achieving goals agreed for the community

9  support all involved to perform their roles to achieve agreed aims for the community

10  motivate others to present their ideas; to listen to ideas, overcome obstacles and deal with setbacks and change in own organisation

11  recognise people's achievements, effort and creativity in achieving community goals

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Styles of leadership

1  how to use different theories, models and styles of leadership to empower, motivate, support and influence others

2  the tensions associated with the term 'leadership' in a community context

3  how to recognise and develop the leadership capability of others

4  how to create a culture which encourages and recognises creativity and innovation

5  the positive and negative impacts of different leadership styles

6  how to use leadership skills to involve people in open and transparent decision making

7  own strengths and weaknesses in a leadership role and how to address these

Supporting and motivating others

8  the importance and ways of encouraging others to take the lead

9  different ways of communicating effectively with different audiences

10  how to work with others to plan, set objectives, recognise achievement and monitor progress

11  the importance of ensuring that there are clear lines of public accountability for decisions made and actions taken

12  how to show others the contribution of their individual role to the achievement of collective objectives

13  methods for motivating, supporting and encouraging people; and recognising their achievements


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge


Community development is underpinned by a set of values which distinguish it from other, sometimes related, activities in the community. These values are at the core of community development and underpin each of the standards. The values are;

1  Social justice and equality

2  Anti-discrimination

3  Community empowerment

4  Collective action

5  Working and learning together

The following examples illustrate how each of the community development values might inform practice in this standard. These statements are not part of assessment requirements.

1  community strengths, skills and assets are regularly celebrated

2  a culture of respect, trust and valuing of diversity is promoted and nurtured

3  community members are supported to develop their own community leadership skills

4  participatory decision-making is fostered at all levels

5  community members are encouraged to reflect on and learn from their own leadership experiences​




Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Joint ETS (JETS)

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Community Support Groups, Community Voluntary Workers

SOC Code



community development; community development practitioner; community development practice; community development values; community development research; community development consultation; community development groups; community development methods