Organise community events and activities LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Community Development
Developed by: NYA
Approved on: 2015


This standard relates to the roles of community development practitioners in supporting the organisation of events and activities within communities. These events may include public meetings, workshops, open days, consultation displays and neighbourhood forums amongst others.

This standard is relevant to all community development practitioners.

The community development standards are arranged in six key areas:

•  One - Understand and practise community development

•  Two - Understand and engage with communities

•  Three - Group work and collective action

•  Four - Collaboration and cross-sectoral working

•  Five - Community learning for social change

•  Six - Governance and organisational development

This standard is within Key Area Three.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​1  negotiate to establish the purpose of the event or activity 

2  agree the plan for the event or activity with all those involved

3  plan the event or activity so it is accessible, inclusive, legal and safe to all in the community

4  support members of the community to obtain the required resources for the event or activity

5  provide information to those involved in organising the event so they can carry out allocated tasks

6  select types of publicity to attract target participants

7  support community members to review and update plans to achieve required objective

8  obtain consent from individuals about the use of their information and images for different purposes

9  evaluate the event or activity to inform future actions

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

The context

1  the factors involved in organising community events and activities

2  what accessible, inclusive and safe community events and activities look like

3  ways to involve and develop people

Setting common goals and plans

4  collective approaches to decision-making

Group dynamics and processes

5  how to develop equality and anti-discriminatory practice within groups

6  how to support the roles people take in groups

Community organising

7  how to access resources and support for community events or activities

8  how to meet legal requirements for organising and running community events and activities

9  how to use quality improvement techniques for organising events and activities


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge


Community development is underpinned by a set of values which distinguish it from other, sometimes related, activities in the community. These values are at the core of community development and underpin each of the standards. The values are;

1  Social justice and equality

2  Anti-discrimination

3  Community empowerment

4  Collective action

5  Working and learning together

The following examples illustrate how each of the community development values might inform practice in this standard. These statements are not part of assessment requirements.

1  environmental considerations are taken into account in the planning and use of resources

2  venues are chosen that meet the differing needs and circumstances of individuals attending

3  the knowledge, expertise and skills of community members are used to their full in planning and running the event

4  opportunities are taken for collaborating with other groups in planning events/activities

5  reflective evaluation is carried out so that future events and activities can benefit




Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Learning Skills Improvement Service

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Community Support Groups, Community Voluntary Workers

SOC Code



community development; community development practitioner; community development practice; community development values; community development research; community development consultation; community development groups; community development methods