Present schedules of work and prepare for the implementation of work programmes

Business Sectors (Suites): Surveying, Property Maintenance
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about presenting schedules of work.  It is about planning the implementation of work programmes, taking into account key factors and preparing a schedule of work, agreeing this with the line manager and key stakeholders.  It is about planning and monitoring the implementation of the work programmes, identifying external factors and alterations to the line manager for agreement. ​

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. collate the relevant information and identify the scope of the work programmes
  2. produce detailed programmes of planned activities which meet the requirements of the work programmes
  3. draft the schedules of work in the agreed format for the work programmes
  4. present the schedules of work to your line manager for approval
  5. develop a system for monitoring the work programmes
  6. present the schedules of work to colleagues and stakeholders for agreement
  7. identify activities, calculating the resources required from the scope of the work programmes
  8. evaluate resources and systems, to select a solution to meet work programme requirements and inform your line manager
  9. monitor and review progress against work programme requirements
  10. identify and evaluate significant external factors and inform your line manager
  11. identify changes to the work programmes to address internal and external circumstances and seek agreement from your line manager to make the changes

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to identify the scope of the work programmes
  2. how to produce detailed programmes of planned activities which meet the requirements of the work programmes
  3. how to draft the schedules of work in the agreed format for the work programmes
  4. how and why it is necessary to develop a system for monitoring the work programmes
  5. how to present the schedules of work to colleagues and stakeholders for agreement
  6. how to calculate the resources needed from the scope of the work programmes
  7. how and why it is necessary to evaluate resources and systems, to select a solution to meet work programme requirements how and why it is necessary to monitor and review progress against work programme requirements
  8. how to identify alterations to the work programmes to address internal and external


Scope Performance

Scope of the procurement programme:

  • contract conditions

  • time and sequencing

  • cost
  • quantitative and qualitative objectives
  • construction and installation requirements

Range of services:

  • materials

  • construction

  • plant and equipment
  • services


  • bar charts
  • network analysis
  • critical path
  • action lists
  • method statements


  • orally
  • in writing
  • graphically
  • electronically

Specific considerations:

  • working arrangements
  • staging of payments
  • schedule of deliveries
  • obligations to third parties
  • statutory obligations and approvals


  • consultants
  • plant and equipment
  • materials and components
  • sub-contractors

  • site

External factors:

  • other related programmes
  • supply lead times
  • seasonal weather conditions
  • statutory limitations
  • site conditions

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Architects, Surveyor, Town Planners

SOC Code



surveying; project; planning; procurement programmes; schedules; implement