Develop learning products and tools in social marketing practice

Business Sectors (Suites): Social Marketing
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about developing learning products and tools to help social marketing professionals, partner organisations and key stakeholders to support their working practice.  Examples of such products and tools may include publications, videos, examples of benchmarks, web sites, learning resources, case studies, career frameworks, accreditation schemes, model job descriptions and etc.

This standard is for professionals in managerial and operational roles who are responsible for development of learning products and tools to support working practice in social marketing.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. collect information and evidence to identify areas for developing learning products and tools in social marketing working practice
  2. engage with professionals, partner organisations and key stakeholders  to seek their views on the products and tools required
  3. agree with social marketing practitioners, partners and key stakeholders the products and tools for development
  4. collate specifications for the products and tools required
  5. identify and obtain the resources required to provide the products and tools
  6. identify and evaluate the potential contribution of products and tools to advise the practice in social marketing
  7. commission the products and tools in accordance with the specifications
  8. ensure that products and tools comply with legislative, branding and safety requirements
  9. pilot the products and tools and make informed decisions of their use
  10. provide the required products and tools to professionals, partner organisations and key stakeholders, taking account of their needs, abilities and preferences
  11. seek feedback from users of the products and tools in relation to their practice
  12. evaluate products and tools to ensure that they meet the required specifications
  13. adapt products and tools to the needs, abilities and preferences of professionals, partner organisations and key stakeholders, where required
  14. monitor the expected contributions of products and tools to improving the practice of social marketing practitioners
  15. take appropriate action in response to feedback and information from your monitoring and evaluation activities
  16. ensure compliance with the legal, organisational, code of practice requirements and policies relevant to your role, your organisation and the activities being carried out

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the information and evidence required for development of learning products and tools
  2. the methods of engagement with current and potential professionals, partner organisations and key stakeholders
  3. the relevant stakeholders, target groups, their diverse interests, needs, abilities and preferences
  4. the products and tools for development in relation to specific social marketing practices
  5. how to collate the specifications for the products and tools to ensure these are fit for purpose
  6. the relevant principles for commissioning the development of products and tools
  7. the resources for provisions of products and tools development
  8. the principles of compliance with legislative, branding and safety requirements for products and tools
  9. how to pilot products and tools to inform the decisions of their use
  10. how to provide the required products and tools to the professionals, partner organisations and key stakeholders
  11. the methods of collecting the feedback on the products and tools
  12. how to evaluate products and tools in terms of meeting the required specifications
  13. how to adapt products and tools to the needs, abilities and preferences of the professionals, partner organisations and key stakeholders
  14. the relevant actions in response to feedback and information from monitoring and evaluation activities
  15. the legal, organisational, code of practice requirements and policies relevant to your role, your organisation and the activities being carried out


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge






These include all those with an interest in improving the effectiveness of social marketing.

Social marketing professional

This includes everyone who carries out any function that contributes to the social marketing key purpose of "applying marketing alongside other concepts and techniques in order to influence individuals, organisations, policy- makers and decision-makers to adopt and sustain behaviour which improve people's lives ". Some social marketing professionals may only be carrying out social marketing functions as a small part of a much broader role.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Academic Competencies in Social Marketing developed and approved by International Social Marketing Association (iSMA), European Social Marketing Association (ESMA), Australian Association of Social Marketing (AASM).

Social Marketing Statement of Ethics:

Global Consensus of Social Marketing Principles, Concepts and Techniques by ESMA, AAS, SMANA, iSMA: 

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Education and Training, Government and Related Organisations, Health and Social Care, Public Service and other Associate Professionals, Sociology and Social Policy, Teaching Professionals, Social Policy Organisations

SOC Code



social marketing activities; practice; social marketing promotion; social marketing importance; CSR; corporate social responsibility