Manage and maintain social marketing programmes
This standard is about planning, implementing, managing and maintaining social marketing programmes. This is a cyclical activity, with many iterative loops, so the performance criteria are not necessarily in chronological order. For example, it may be necessary to review your plans with key stakeholders in the light of monitoring the results. Furthermore, social marketing programmes are often on-going and evaluation procedures that may progress to the next phase, rather than being the end point of the programme.
This standard is for professionals in managerial roles who responsible for managing and maintaining social marketing programmes.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- engage with the target groups, partners and key stakeholders throughout all phases of the social marketing programme
- develop a project plan for the social marketing programme
- establish and agree with target groups, partners and key stakeholders on measurable objectives, milestones and timelines
- create an integrated social marketing mix strategy with consideration of all appropriate evidence-based tools and theory needed to influence a desired behaviour
- collate the evidence from research into motivators, inhibitors and interventions
- reflect and evaluate your own practice in relation to the quality of research
- evaluate the current trends, developments and the potential impact of other programmes and interventions
- agree the roles and responsibilities of the relevant staff and allocate resources according to the project plan
- provide all relevant information and support to the staff to allow them carry out their responsibilities according to the project plan
- pilot the social marketing programme and evaluate it against agreed objectives
- carry out a risk assessment and develop mitigation strategy to manage any potential adverse effects
- identify and resolve any potential issues regarding the social marketing programme
- monitor and evaluate the programme against the planned activities, objectives, budget and identified risks
- take the relevant action in response to emerging opportunities, threats or if the objectives are not met
- monitor the programme, adapting and reviewing it in agreement with the target groups, partners and key stakeholders
- evaluate the results of the programme and report to the target groups, partners and key stakeholders
- collate and communicate the lessons learned for recommendation of future activities
- identify the opportunities for sustaining the impact beyond the lifetime of the programme
- pursue further opportunities from established relationships
- ensure compliance with the legal, organisational, code of practice requirements and policies relevant to your role, your organisation and the activities being carried out
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the relevant stakeholders, target groups, their diverse interests, needs, abilities and preferences
- the current and emerging trends and developments in the sector internationally, nationally and locally
- the social marketing compatible marketing mix models
- how to create the project plan with measurable objectives, milestones and timelines
- the relevant evidence from research into motivators, inhibitors and interventions
- the importance of reflection and evaluation in improving your own practice
- how to pilot the evidence-based social marketing programme against the agreed objectives
- the defined values and mission for the social marketing programme
- the roles and responsibilities of the relevant staff and allocation of resources against the project plan
- the relevant briefing and debriefing principles, methods, tools and techniques
- the risk assessment and the risk mitigation strategies
- the potential issues regarding the social marketing programme
- the relevant monitoring and evaluation principles and techniques for the social marketing programme
- what actions to take in response to emerging opportunities, threats or if the objectives are not met
- the methods of maintaining the programme's sustainability
- the relevant reporting procedures for reporting the results
- the lessons learned and how to develop further opportunities from these
- the opportunities for sustaining the impact beyond the lifetime of the programme
- how to review and adapt the social marketing programme
- the legal, organisational, code of practice requirements and policies relevant to your role, your organisation and the activities being carried out
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
As used in the standards, "social marketing programme" encompasses longer-term (3 years) programmes, medium-term (1-3 years) campaigns and short-term (<1 year) targeted initiatives
These include all those involved in, or affected by, the social marketing strategy and the issues it is seeking to address.
This means the chances of an event happening and the seriousness of the consequences of that event. "Risk" does not of itself have a negative connotation; there can be both positive and negative consequences of an event. One of the key risks in carrying out a test marketing activity is that the results become contaminated by changes in other environmental factors.
Risk management
This includes assessing the risks; taking remedial action to avoid events that have negative consequences; planning to minimise the negative consequences and maximise the opportunities if events do occur.
This includes physical (premises, equipment, consumables, energy); financial; human (whether paid or unpaid, internal or external); information.
It is recognised that social marketing programmes usually involve a number of "partner" organisations working together in close collaboration.
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Academic Competencies in Social Marketing developed and approved by International Social Marketing Association (iSMA), European Social Marketing Association (ESMA), Australian Association of Social Marketing (AASM).
Social Marketing Statement of Ethics:
Global Consensus of Social Marketing Principles, Concepts and Techniques by ESMA, AAS, SMANA, iSMA: