Develop, manage and evaluate social marketing research programmes
This standard is about developing, managing and evaluating social marketing research programmes that seek to establish understanding and insight into the lifestyles, behaviours, attitudes and beliefs of target groups. The social marketing programme should be supported with relevant theories and existing evidence about the influencers on the behaviour of target groups and interventions that may influence the beneficial change.
The research aims to identify the issues to address, what might motivate the target groups' behaviours, what might prevent action and what interventions might achieve and sustain the change. This involves defining the problem, planning, allocation of resources and assets, value co-creation through collaboration and engagement, coordination and evaluation of research activities which will inform social marketing strategies.
This standard is for professionals in managerial roles who manage research programmes which inform social marketing strategies.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- develop a project plan with purpose, scope, objectives and milestones for the research programme
- identify and confirm the key questions to be answered by the research
- research the scope and dimensions of the social problem at hand
- agree the project plan with key stakeholders and allocate resources for the research
- establish engagement with the target groups, partners and key stakeholders, ensuring vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups are included
- establish the methods, tools and techniques to be used for the research and evaluate their suitability and reliability
- carry out a risk assessment for your project and confirm the remedial actions to mitigate the risks
- brief the researchers to ensure they understand the purpose, scope, their roles, responsibilities and methods for the research programme
- describe social marketing to colleagues and other professionals and differentiate it from other approaches to influencing behaviours and social change
- carry out a primary and secondary research to collate the relevant information for your programme
- identify the range of factors which might influence the behaviours and the underpinning beliefs, values and attitudes of the defined target groups
- identify the relevant evidence-based theories which may explain what motivates and inhibits specific behaviours amongst the target groups
- evaluate the salience and relevance of different theories and evidence from interventions which informs social marketing strategy
- identify any issues, gaps or deficiencies arising from the research programme and take action to address these
- identify the relevant interventions and evaluate their effectiveness in influencing the behaviours of comparable target groups
- monitor the progress of the research programme, providing any required guidance or support the researchers require to deliver the expected results
- define the relevant evaluation methods and techniques to ensure the research is fit for purpose
- reflect and evaluate your own practice in relation to the quality of research
- apply ethical principles to the conduct of research, developing, implementing and evaluating a social marketing plan
- deliver the outcomes of the research to key stakeholders in agreed format with detailed interpretation and explanation, respecting the confidentiality and sensitivity of the results
- summarise the lessons learnt to define methodologies for further opportunities
- ensure compliance with the legal, organisational, code of practice requirements and policies relevant to your role, your organisation and the activities being carried out
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to develop a project plan to support the research programme
- how to define the purpose, scope, objectives and resources for the research programme
- the relevant methods and techniques of conducting the research to identify the scope of the social problem
- how to set up measurable research objectives and ensure the researchers adhere to them
- how to engage with the target groups, partners and key stakeholders, ensuring vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups are included
- the relevant stakeholders, target groups, their diverse interests, needs, abilities and preferences
- the relevant principles of project management in relation to social marketing research
- the relevant methods and techniques of risk assessment and remedial actions to mitigate the risks
- the relevant briefing and debriefing principles
- the relevant research methodology used in primary and secondary research
- the range of factors which might influence the behaviours and the underpinning beliefs, values and attitudes of the defined target groups
- the current evidence of motivators and inhibitors in relation to targeted behaviours, including gaps and deficiencies
- how to assess the salience and relevance of different theories and evidence from interventions which inform social marketing strategies
- the relevant interventions influencing the behaviours of comparable target groups
- the social marketing compatible marketing mix models
- the importance of reflection and evaluation in improving your own practice
- how to analyse the research outcomes and the relevant procedures for reporting these
- the relevant quality assurance and evaluation methods of processing the information
- the ethical principles for conducting the research, developing, implementing and evaluating a social marketing plan
- the lessons learned to follow on further research opportunities
- the current and emerging trends and developments in the sector internationally, nationally and locally
- the importance of engaging in continuous professional development (CPD) to include up to date information policies, procedures and best practice guidance
- the legal, organisational, code of practice requirements and policies relevant to your role, your organisation and the activities being carried out
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Social marketing programme
As used in the standards, "social marketing programme" encompasses longer-term (>3 years) programmes, medium-term (1-3 years) campaigns and short-term (<1 year) targeted initiatives.
This includes all those involved in, or affected by, the social marketing strategy and the issues it is seeking to address. Key stakeholders are those with the greatest interest in or influence on the issues. They will always include the target groups or intended beneficiaries of the social marketing activity.
This is the reason why the research programme is being carried out. The purpose can be discovered by asking the question: what are the decisions the research is designed to inform?
Includes both target group(s) and the behaviours to be addressed.
Includes: physical (premises, equipment, consumables, energy); financial; human (whether paid or unpaid, internal or external); information.
Means the chances of an event happening and the seriousness of the consequences of that event. "Risk" does not of itself have a negative connotation; there can be both positive and negative consequences of an event. One of the key risks in carrying out a test marketing activity is that the results become contaminated by changes in other environmental factors.
Risk assessment
Includes: assessing the risks; taking remedial action to avoid events that have negative consequences; contingency planning to minimise the negative consequences and maximise the opportunities in case if events do occur.
Means the relevance and importance of the evidence to the particular issue(s) to be addressed by the research programme.
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Academic Competencies in Social Marketing developed and approved by International Social Marketing Association (iSMA), European Social Marketing Association (ESMA), Australian Association of Social Marketing (AASM).
Social Marketing Statement of Ethics:
Global Consensus of Social Marketing Principles, Concepts and Techniques by ESMA, AAS, SMANA, iSMA: