Report on the energy efficiency of Level 3 and Level 4 non-dwellings using the Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM)
This standard is about reporting on the energy efficiency of Level 3 and Level 4 non-dwellings, providing recommendations for energy efficiency measures and communicating these recommendations to the customer.
This standard relates to existing Level 3 non-dwellings and new and existing Level 4 non-dwellings, which can be assessed using the Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM). The standard requires that you produce Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Reports for non-dwellings using SBEM and provide a clearly defined and robust hierarchy of energy efficiency measures for reducing the energy use of a non-domestic building. You must be able to communicate the value of a Recommendations Report to customers and provide an Implementation Plan to assist building owners to take action to achieve the possible savings set out in the Report.
Note that the term 'assessment' is used throughout the standards when referring to the overall process of determining the Asset Rating of a property, or its Operational Rating, whereas 'inspection' is used only when referring to on- site inspection of the property and its features.
The references to customers throughout the standard refer both to internal customers, such as line managers, as well as external customers; for example, individuals who have contracted your services or representatives of external customer organisations.
You must understand and work to the requirements of each devolved nation.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Building Energy Model (SBEM)
- use the Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) approved software to generate energy efficiency measures that improve energy performance for Level 3 and Level 4 non-dwellings
- describe the relevant devolved nation's prescribed format and content for Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Reports
- identify the range of energy efficiency measures for the property that may be included within Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Reports
- confirm the Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Report, ensuring compliance with the relevant devolved nation's requirements
- produce and maintain electronic and paper records of your findings, in accordance with professional requirements and the relevant data protection legislation
Provide a clearly defined and robust hierarchy of energy efficiency measures for a non-domestic building
- confirm the energy efficiency measures generated and make relevant deletions, additions and amendments based on the practical and economic feasibility for the building under consideration, providing and documenting your reasons
- understand the relative costs of any energy efficiency measures which may be proposed
- provide a hierarchy of energy efficiency measures based on carbon impact and payback period
- produce a valid Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Report, in accordance with the relevant devolved nation's approved guidance
- provide initial advice on the implementation of the energy efficiency measures selected
Communicate the value of an Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Report and how it can be used
- explain the objective of producing Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Reports
- explain the difference between high, medium and low carbon impact energy efficiency measures, giving examples of the scale of savings that may be achieved by each
- explain which elements have greater impact on the energy performance of the building in question and why
- explain how estimates of costs for energy efficiency measures have been arrived at and how robust they are
- communicate and explain the energy efficiency measures to the customer
- understand the importance of retaining documentation for audit purposes and in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation
- highlight the required information in the Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Report to meet the customer's requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
*Produce Recommendations Reports for Level 3 and Level 4 *
- the prescribed format and content of each devolved nation's Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Reports
- the Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) approved software used to generate energy efficiency measures for Level 3 and Level 4 non-dwellings
- the range of energy efficiency measures for the property that may be included within an Energy Performance Certificate
- the approved software used to produce Energy Performance Certificates for each devolved nation and how to use it
- the importance of checking that data has been entered to the relevant devolved nation's Energy Performance Certificate standards and how to review data if the calculation will not process
- how to check the Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Report for cost-effective improvement, confirming compliance with relevant requirements and conventions
- the level of detail within your records required to produce an Energy Performance Certificate Recommendations Report that meets the relevant devolved nation's requirements
- how to record the information and evidence in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation
Provide a clearly defined and robust hierarchy of recommendations for reducing the energy use of a non-domestic building* *
- the importance of checking the energy efficiency measures generated, deleting those that are not relevant, and providing your reasons
- the factors that could affect the choice of energy efficiency measures for improvements to the property
- how to make appropriate deletions/amendments based on the practical and economic feasibility for the building under consideration
- the current typical costs of energy efficiency measures and how to estimate typical costs, for the particular building, of any proposed energy efficiency measures
- how to assess the carbon impact and payback period of energy efficiency measures to provide a hierarchy of improvement measures
- the data and information required to be lodged on the relevant central register
- the types of relevant initial advice on the implementation of the energy efficiency measures that may be given to the customer
Communicate the value of a Recommendations Report and how it can be used
- the objective of producing Recommendations Reports and how they can be used
- the difference between high, medium and low carbon impact energy efficiency measures and the scale of savings that each may achieve
- how estimates of costs have been arrived at and how robust they are
- how to communicate and explain the energy efficiency measures to the customer
- the importance of retaining documentation for audit purposes and in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation
- the information required in a written report to meet the customer's requirements
Energy efficiency measures:
- all energy performance improvements listed in the current version of the SBEM Technical Manual, published by BRE on behalf of UK Government
- any other improvements that may be supported by UK Government policy, or that of the devolved nations, as listed in relevant legislation or guidance
Professional and statutory requirements:
- investigations carried out
- values recorded and options considered, to the level of detail required to:
- produce a complete and comprehensive Energy Performance Certificate
- justify decisions on values recorded and energy efficiency measures selected
Issues that make them unsuitable for the property:
- property situation e.g. subject to extreme weather
- property condition e.g. state of repair of external walls
- inadequate ventilation
- traditional construction
- any other features of the property, or its site/location, which might adversely affect the performance of the recommended improvement, or the building's performance after improvement
Level 3:
- a building identified as Level 3 according to the Assessment Level Decision Flow Chart as defined in Conventions published by the Department of Communities and Local Government's Commercial EPC Conventions Group
Level 4:
- a building identified as Level 4 according to the Assessment Level Decision Flow Chart as defined in Conventions published by the Department of Communities and Local Government's Commercial EPC Conventions Group
- issues that make them unsuitable for the property
- interactions between building fabric and building services
- listed building status/conservation areas