Develop and implement marketing campaigns and activities
This standard is about developing and implementing marketing campaigns and activities in accordance with agreed strategies and plans. It includes confirming the objectives, budget and timescales for campaigns and activities and the needs and characteristics of target customers. You provide creative marketing ideas that meet the requirements of the campaigns and activities. You confirm the availability of necessary resources and staff and brief them about their roles and responsibilities. It also covers developing and agreeing appropriate marketing materials, delivering the campaign and activity, addressing variances and recording and reporting on outcomes. The standard is for marketing professionals who develop and implement marketing campaigns and activities, working alone or as part of a team.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- confirm the marketing objectives as set out in the agreed strategies or marketing plans
- agree the budget and timescale for the development of creative content
- confirm the availability of required resources and staff with the decision makers
- identify the needs and characteristics of target customers
- define the key messages that need to be conveyed to customers
- produce the evaluation criteria for the creative content
- develop creative ideas by working with colleagues and team members
- provide creative marketing ideas to meet the requirements of the campaigns and activities
- evaluate ideas using your criteria to identify those that appeal to target customers
- produce implementation plans for marketing campaigns and activities
- brief staff on their roles and responsibilities in accordance with the campaign and activity strategies and plans
- develop marketing materials in accordance with campaign and activity strategies and plans
- agree marketing materials with stakeholders
- implement your plans within budget and timescales
- manage responses from customers in accordance with agreed organisational processes and procedures
- monitor marketing activities against plans and budgets
- identify variances during implementation and take actions to keep to agreed budgets and timescales
- update stakeholders on progress, developments and issues as agreed during planning
- report on the outcomes of the campaign or activities in accordance with organisational processes and procedures
- follow current legal, regulatory and ethical requirements, codes of practice and organisational policies and procedures relating to developing and implementing marketing campaigns and activities
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the organisation's current strategy and marketing plan
- how to develop marketing objectives that align with marketing strategies
- the organisation's existing and potential customer base and their needs and expectations
- the importance of defining key messages for campaigns and activities and the impact this has on customers
- the popular culture and social trends that impact on marketing campaigns and activities
- how to work with colleagues and team members to develop campaigns and the benefits of collaborative working
- the techniques that can be used to generate creative ideas and how to make best use of them
- how to generate ideas that will differentiate the organisation and its products or services from those of its competitors
- how to test and evaluate creative ideas
- how to develop ideas which are innovative, distinctive and memorable and will meet the requirements of campaigns and activities
- how to evaluate ideas against agreed criteria to determine which will appeal most to customers
- the range of marketing methods available and how to match them to a marketing campaign and activity
- the importance of checking that staff understand their roles and responsibilities within a particular campaign and activity
- the types of marketing materials that support campaigns and activities and how to produce them
- how to monitor activities against the strategies, plans and budgets
- the types of risks and variances that can occur and the actions that can be taken to address these
- the methods for recording and reporting outcomes in accordance with organisational requirements
- the importance of updating stakeholders on progress
- the ways that campaign outcomes are reported to meet organisational requirements and complete the campaign
- the current legal, regulatory and ethical requirements, codes of practice and organisational policies and procedures relating to the creative content of marketing campaigns and activities