Develop and maintain marketing information systems

Business Sectors (Suites): Marketing
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about developing and maintaining marketing information systems. It includes defining applications and data components for the systems. You consult users on the systems' requirements to develop a business case. You obtain agreement from stakeholders and decision makers and secure their support to develop the information systems. The standard involves checking the quality, validity and reliability of information. You maintain the systems, ensuring that they are integrated within wider organisational information systems and that any problems are resolved. The standard is for marketing professionals who develop and maintain marketing information systems.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. identify the requirements for the information systems in accordance with your organisation's marketing strategies and plans
  2. define the appropriate applications and data components required within the information systems
  3. consult with users to establish system functionality requirements
  4. develop a business case for the information systems
  5. obtain agreement for the proposed information systems from stakeholders and decision-makers
  6. identify stakeholders to support the information systems' development
  7. specify the information systems' functionality
  8. plan the development of the information systems
  9. check the information systems are fit for purpose
  10. integrate the information systems with other organisational information systems
  11. consult systems' specialists during the stage of development, where necessary
  12. check the quality, validity and reliability of information stored in systems
  13. maintain the currency and accuracy of information stored in the information systems
  14. monitor the use of the information systems following legal and organisational procedures
  15. identify and resolve problems with the information systems
  16. seek feedback from users of the information systems
  17. evaluate the effectiveness of the information systems, to make recommendations for improvements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. your organisation's marketing strategies and plans and the potential applications of marketing information systems
  2. how to determine the organisational requirements of the information systems
  3. the different types of marketing information systems available and how to match them to organisational requirements and available resources
  4. the data components that might be included within a marketing information systems
  5. how to consult with users, stakeholders and decision makers and the roles that these play in developing a marketing information systems
  6. the importance of developing a business case and the components that should be included
  7. how to obtain agreement for implementation of an information system and why obtaining stakeholder or sponsor support is required
  8. how to specify the functionality of the information systems to meet your organisation's requirements within timescales and budget
  9. the importance of planning the development of the information systems and the colleagues that need to be involved to ensure that the plan is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART)
  10. how to ensure full integration with other organisational information systems, the problems that may be encountered and how to resolve them
  11. the types of internal and external systems specialists available and how to consult with them
  12. how to check the quality, validity and reliability of information before adding it to the information systems
  13. the importance of information accuracy and the impact that inaccurate information may have on your organisation
  14. the implications of retaining out of date information for your organisation and customers
  15. how to ensure the security of confidential data
  16. the techniques that can be used to monitor system usage
  17. how to seek feedback from users and evaluate its effectiveness against the organisation's requirements
  18. the ways that you can identify and recommend improvements to the information system
  19. the legal, regulatory and ethical requirements relating to the collection, storage and use of information


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


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Relevant Occupations

Marketing and Sales, Marketing and Sales Managers, Marketing Associate, Marketing Associate Professionals, Marketing Officer

SOC Code



Marketing, sales, marketing management, market research, advertising, public relations