Identify and implement change to improve housing services

Business Sectors (Suites): Housing
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about identifying when change is required to improve housing services or to respond to drivers such as policy or the commercial environment.  It is important to consult with stakeholders, such as customers, service users or anyone else who may be affected by the change.  It also covers identifying drivers for change, implementing change and monitoring its effects.  Part of this will involve reviewing policies and procedures to ensure that they are still relevant and achievable.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. keep up to date with the housing and commercial and identify internal and external drivers of change which affect your organisation's services
  2. consult with relevant stakeholders including customers and housing service users, to identify the potential impact of the planned change
  3. employ a range of different consultation and negotiation skills, which are suited to the target audience for the consultation
  4. review the findings of your consultation to identify issues that impact on the implementation of change and review your organisational plans
  5. plan the implementation of change, taking into consideration the requirements of customers and housing service users
  6. confirm that customers and housing service users are kept informed throughout the process
  7. obtain the required support for your plans from relevant colleagues and stakeholders
  8. revisit relevant organisational policies, procedures and objectives relating to the planned changes
  9. implement revised organisational strategies, policies and procedures as appropriate
  10. implement new ways of working which meet the requirements of agreed changes
  11. obtain feedback from stakeholders including customers and service users and review the impact of change on them
  12. identify the training requirements as an outcome of change and confirm that these are addressed

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the relevant sources of information for keeping up to date with the housing and the commercial environment
  2. how to identify and assess internal and external drivers of change which affect your organisation's services the difference between internal and external drivers of change and the impact on your organisation's services
  3. how to assess the potential impact that change might have on future planning and strategy for housing and the objectives of your organisation
  4. your organisation's stakeholders and relevant methods of consultation
  5. the methods and models for planning and implementing change within your organisation
  6. the importance of communication when implementing change and suitable methods of communication
  7. how to negotiate with stakeholders to bring about change
  8. how to identify, analyse and prioritise issues identified as impacting on the implementation of change
  9. why the strategy for housing should be aligned with the environment in which the organisation operates
  10. the methods for reviewing organisational strategies, policies and procedures and how to identify where revision is necessary
  11. how to identify where new ways of working would aid the implementation of change
  12. how to review the impact of change, who to involve and the timescales for  undertaking this
  13. how to identify training requirements as an outcome of change and methods for addressing this


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Housing Manager, Housing Officer, Housing Assistant, Housing Administrator, Lettings Negotiator, Revenue Officer/Assistant, Resident Involvement Assistant, Neighbourhood Assistant, Lettings Assistant, Repairs Assistant, Assistant Portfolio Manager (without portfolio)

SOC Code



property; investigating; dealing; breaches; accommodation; tenancy; licence; leaseholder; agreements; customers; documentation; safety; support; legislation; equality; diversity; safe; organise; environment; services; commercial; customers; policies