Manage consultation and feedback processes with customers and stakeholders
Business Sectors (Suites): Housing
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on:
This standard is about managing consultation and feedback processes with customers and stakeholders. It is about offering customers options for involvement in guiding the organisation's policy and planning and putting procedures in place to ensure that consultation becomes part of the organisation's decision making processes and informs future actions.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- select relevant questions, issues and topics on which customer and stakeholder feedback will be sought
- identify relevant methods of consultation for customers and stakeholders to take part in the organisation's decision making processes and inform future actions
- manage a variety of platforms and methods to consult with customers and stakeholders on a wide range of policies, procedures and plans
- offer customers options for involvement in guiding the organisation's policy and planning procedures
- create and manage systems for collating information gathered through the consultations
- develop and manage systems for capturing and evaluating the core messages from customer and stakeholder feedback
- put procedures in place to confirm that the feedback from consultation becomes part of the organisation's decision-making processes and informs future actions
- confirm that the results of consultations are passed on to the relevant managers as part of the organisation's decision-making processes
- evaluate current participation in the consultation and feedback process and identify opportunities for further activity
- provide organisations and individuals that have participated in consultations with feedback on the results of their involvement
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- your organisation's policies and practices in terms of customer and stakeholder empowerment
- the reasons for involving customers and stakeholders in the decision-making processes of the organisation
- how to manage and communicate the objectives of the consultation exercise to customers and stakeholders
- how to manage and communicate to customers and stakeholders the way in which their feedback will be used within the organisation
- the areas of activity within your organisation that are relevant to discussion and decision making within a consultative forum
- the strengths and weaknesses of available consultation methods
- how to confirm that materials and consultative methods meet the requirements of the target audience of customers and stakeholders
- the methods and techniques for involving customers and stakeholders with different perspectives and levels of need
- the organisational systems for gathering and interpreting information
- your organisational structure and how to distribute feedback information to the relevant colleagues
- a range of methods for evaluating the outcomes of consultation processes and the impact on the organisation
- the scope for further development of consultation activities
- how to communicate with participants to inform them of the impact of their contribution to the consultation
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Housing Manager, Housing Officer, Housing Assistant, Housing Administrator, Lettings Negotiator, Revenue Officer/Assistant, Resident Involvement Assistant, Neighbourhood Assistant, Lettings Assistant, Repairs Assistant, Assistant Portfolio Manager (without portfolio)
SOC Code
property; investigating; dealing; breaches; accommodation; tenancy; licence; leaseholder; agreements; customers; documentation; safety; support; legislation; equality; diversity; safe; organise; developing; implementing; managing; processes; consultation;