Provide support to individuals in isolating situations to maintain social contacts
This standard is for workers who work with individuals in isolating situations to provide support to them to maintain social contacts. This includes individuals who are house-bound, are receiving long-term care away from their home, or have restrictions placed on their freedom and movement, for example individuals who are detained under the Mental Health Act. Individuals can also be isolated by communication differences, for example by language differences or by a sensory impairment or through emotional distress. The worker supports the individual in maintaining social contacts by providing support and practical assistance and obtaining relevant information and literature.
The importance of respecting the individual's requirements and wishes about maintaining and developing contacts and interests is highlighted. The worker is expected to recognise and address tensions that may arise between the rights and interests of the individual and the responsibilities of the worker within the care plan.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- offer time and opportunity to individuals in isolating situations to support them to express their requirements for, and interest in, maintaining social contacts
- provide support to individuals who express an interest in contacting or meeting others
- support individuals in maintaining their contacts, consistent with their requirements
- provide support relevant to the individual and their requirements, in line with the care plan and your role
- pass information to relevant colleagues or organisations when individuals are at risk of disengaging with their care plan
- provide support to individuals to obtain information about services and facilities for themselves and be self-managing
- confirm that when an individual asks for assistance, it is of a type and level, and is provided in line with their care plan
- record information in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation
- discuss potential sources of information with the individual and check them for suitability
- provide information which is relevant to the individual at the time required and in a relevant format
- encourage individuals to provide feedback on the information obtained and to make further requests
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- why social contacts are important and when it is relevant for individuals to develop and maintain them
- the limits of your own responsibilities and the consequences of operating outside these limits
- the reasons why different approaches and responses can be used in supporting clients with communication difficulties
- the factors which cause clients to become potentially isolated
- how communication difficulties and differences vary in different settings and at different stages of development for individuals in isolating situations
- the methods of supporting individuals to maintain social contacts
- why individuals should be encouraged to be self-managing
- why individuals' wishes must be taken account of even if they do not want to take up available benefits and services
- the individual's rights to confidentiality regarding the information which they choose to access and how this should be maintained or enhanced in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation
- the relevant forms of support for individuals in isolating situations
- the sources of information about different services that are accessible
- how communication difficulties and differences may vary in different settings and at different stages of individuals' development
- the methods of recording information in accordance with organisational requirements