Manage temporary accommodation

Business Sectors (Suites): Housing
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about obtaining, monitoring and managing temporary accommodation, including "bed and breakfast" accommodation.  Customers include families and disabled customers.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. manage temporary accommodation
  2. keep accurate and up-to-date information on available temporary accommodation within the locations covered by your organisation
  3. liaise with landlords and other organisations to organise temporary accommodation for customers
  4. assess the suitability and eligibility of customers for temporary accommodation
  5. identify and provide suitable temporary accommodation for eligible customers within your organisation's required timescales
  6. confirm the required documentation for the temporary tenancy
  7. explain your organisation's appeals and/or complaints procedures to the customer
  8. provide information and advice to customers to support them with their accommodation needs
  9. identify and record problems with the accommodation or adjustments required for disabled customers
  10. take relevant action to confirm that problems are rectified, and adjustments for disabled customers have been made to the accommodation where required
  11. monitor temporary accommodation to confirm it meets relevant organisational and statutory standards
  12. confirm the provision of "floating support‟ for customers with special needs
  13. assist in monitoring and controlling the rent costs of temporary accommodation

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the procedures which your organisation has in place for monitoring and recording temporary accommodation
  2. the relevant legal or organisational constraints on allocating temporary accommodation
  3. how to assess the suitability of customers for temporary accommodation
  4. how to process and manage temporary tenancies
  5. how to confirm the health, safety and security of yourself and customers
  6. the responsibilities of your organisation and customers regarding the condition of the temporary accommodation
  7. your organisation's performance targets for minimising the use of temporary accommodation
  8. the reasons why accommodation must meet minimum health and safety standards
  9. the limits of your own responsibilities and the consequences of operating outside these limits
  10. how to monitor and control the rent costs of temporary accommodation for your organisation


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Housing Manager, Housing Officer, Housing Assistant, Housing Administrator, Lettings Negotiator, Revenue Officer/Assistant, Resident Involvement Assistant, Neighbourhood Assistant, Lettings Assistant, Repairs Assistant, Assistant Portfolio Manager (without portfolio)

SOC Code



property; investigating; dealing; breaches; accommodation; tenancy; licence; leaseholder; agreements; customers; documentation; safety; support; legislation; equality; diversity; safe; organise