Support the involvement of tenants and residents in the local community
Business Sectors (Suites): Housing
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on:
This standard is about supporting the involvement of tenants and residents in the local community. It is about consulting with them on their needs and issues and setting up activities to enable them to take part in the local community.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify the current level and nature of tenant and resident involvement in the local community and how you can support this
- discuss and identify the needs of the tenants and residents, and contribute to setting up and running activities which meet their needs
- identify methods of consulting with tenants and residents to enable individuals and groups to take part
- share the outcomes of consultation to inform decision making with the relevant organisations in the local community
- maintain the confidentiality and security of information gathered in line with the relevant data protection legislation
- establish and maintain contact with tenant and resident associations and other networks in the local community
- support residents to engage with existing tenant and resident associations and networks
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the range of organisations and groups operating within the local community
- how to engage with and support tenants and residents in the local community
- the different ways in which tenants and residents can be involved in the local community
- how to support tenants and residents to become more involved in the community
- how to ensure equality of opportunity and inclusion in community engagement
- the different methods for consulting with the local community
- the reasons for and limits of confidentiality in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation
- the relevant tenant and resident associations and networks in the local community
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Housing Manager, Housing Officer, Housing Assistant, Housing Administrator, Lettings Negotiator, Revenue Officer/Assistant, Resident Involvement Assistant, Neighbourhood Assistant, Lettings Assistant, Repairs Assistant, Assistant Portfolio Manager (without portfolio)
SOC Code
tenants and residents; colleagues; risk; safety; local community; support; vulnerable; legislation; documentation; queries; organise; develop; skills; housing governance groups; networks