Deliver seamless customer service with a team
This standard is part of the customer service competence area related to Impression and Image. It covers delivering seamless customer service with a team. It includes area that covers the customer service behaviours and processes that have most impact on the way your customer sees you and your organisation. Remember that customers include everyone to whom you provide products and services. They may be external to your organisation or they may be internal customers.
Excellent customer service is a team effort. You win and maintain the loyalty of customers by pulling together with all the other staff who help to organise the delivery of services or products, interface with the customer, or provide back-up to customer service activities. Your team includes colleagues, senior managers and service partners who are working in other departments or outside organisations who contribute to customer service delivery. To achieve your organisation's aims and objectives for customer service you build effective working relationships with all these team members to ensure their co-operation and support. You act as a 'buddy' for colleagues to support their development when required.
This standard is for customer service professionals who deliver seamless customer service with internal or external teams.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify team strategies for delivering seamless customer service with colleagues
- share information and knowledge to improve customer service
- encourage, accept and respond positively to feedback from colleagues on customer service performance
- deal with conflict and resolve it through collaboration with colleagues
- review teamwork strategies for delivering seamless customer service with colleagues
- identify the key service partners who support the delivery of seamless customer service
- agree approaches for delivering seamless customer service with service partners
- develop and maintain working relationships with service partners
- ensure that your commitments to service partners are met
- check that service partners commitments to you are fulfilled as agreed
- communicate with service partners on issues that affect them and your customers
- resolve customer service problems by working together with service partners
- work with service partners to deal with conflict constructively
- support colleague development by agreeing the specific customer service knowledge and skills they need in their roles
- identify opportunities and activities for colleagues to develop their customer service skills
- plan activities and coaching sessions for colleagues to help them develop their customer service skills
- support colleagues to practise skills, apply knowledge and gain experience to develop their customer service competence
- check colleagues' progress and modify your coaching methods when required
- plan and carry out buddy sessions to support your colleagues on the job, ensuring that you do not detract from delivering customer service
- role model customer service tasks for your buddy colleague to set an example they can follow
- observe your colleague perform the tasks to identify what they do well and the areas of improvement
- give feedback to your colleague about the work they have carried out well and how they can improve their customer service performance
- discuss and agree actions with your buddy colleague to develop their performance
- provide tips on effective customer service actions to your buddy colleague based on your own experience
- follow the legal, organisational, codes of practice and policies relevant to your role and the activities being carried out
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the teams and service partners that your organisation works with and the service level agreements (SLAs) in place
- your role in relation to working with internal colleagues and external service partners
- how to analyse the contribution and roles of colleagues and service partners when delivering customer service
- the types of support you that can provide to colleagues and service partners
- the support that colleagues and service partners can provide to you to deliver seamless customer service
- the benefits and challenges of collaborative working and what may go wrong
- how to prepare for working relationship challenges and resolve them to the satisfaction of both parties
- the value and importance of effective communication with colleagues and service partners
- the types of behaviours that build and maintain respectful and honest relationships with colleagues and service partners
- the types of conflicts that arise with customers and how to deal with these constructively following your organisations procedures
- the tasks in different buddy colleagues' job roles
- the areas of the customer service job activities that benefit most from buddying support
- how to select the best times to work alongside your buddy colleagues
- the ways to work alongside your buddy colleagues without intruding on the customer relationship
- the techniques for giving feedback and constructive criticism to your buddy colleagues
- the importance of establishing a rapport with your buddy colleagues
- the range of actions that your buddy colleagues can take to improve their customer service performance
- the legal, organisational, codes of practice and policies relevant to your role and the activities being carried out