Provide customer centric service

Business Sectors (Suites): Customer Service
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 22 Feb 2021


This standard is part of the customer service competence area related to Impression and Image. It covers providing customer-centric service. It includes area that covers the customer service behaviours and processes that have most impact on the way your customer sees you and your organisation. Remember that customers include everyone to whom you provide products and services. They may be external to your organisation or they may be internal customers.

You often deal with many customers who seem to be the same, but recognise that each customer is an individual.  You make each customer feel that they have had your complete attention and have been dealt with personally to increase their sense of satisfaction. When your customer feels that you have taken special care to give them good service and have done something more than they expect, they are likely to enjoy a better customer service experience.  Opportunities to add this extra value to your customer's experience depend on you spotting what they will particularly appreciate. Often you can offer this little extra when sorting out a difficulty or problem. Whatever special service you give when you "go the extra mile" must be within your own authority or with the authority of an senior colleague. You must also take account of the organisation's procedures and regulations.  When you work with customers you make them feel that you care what happens to them and that you respect them as individuals.

This standard is for customer service professionals who provide customer centric service.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. identify when you can add a personal touch to your customer service within your organisation's systems or procedures
  2. observe and listen to your customers for signs that will help you personalise their service
  3. confirm that you understand customer needs and are there to help them
  4. identify opportunities to help or direct your customer outside of your routines and procedures
  5. identify customers with individual needs who would appreciate a more personalised service
  6. balance the time you take to give individual attention to one customer with the needs and expectations of other customers
  7. communicate with customers following organisational guidelines to show respect for them as individuals
  8. focus your attention on the customers you are dealing with
  9. follow your organisation's guidelines for giving your customer your own name and contact details
  10. build a 'one to one' relationship with your customer using organisational guidelines
  11. treat customers as individuals recognising that each customer is unique
  12. demonstrate respect to customers and colleagues at all times and avoid over-familiarity
  13. explain your organisation's products and services
  14. identify your customers' expectations and needs
  15. match products and services with customers' expectations and needs
  16. identify other actions that could give added value to your customer service and choose those that will impress your customers
  17. check that added value actions fit within your organisation's guidelines and external regulations
  18. explain your actions for added value service to a senior colleague for their authorisation when required
  19. implement agreed actions to add value in customer service
  20. communicate the added value of your actions with customers
  21. monitor the effects of your added value actions to check that other customers are unaffected
  22. monitor feedback from your customers about the impact of your actions
  23. follow the legal, organisational, codes of practice and policies relevant to your role and the activities being carried out

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the principles of customer centric service and the activities relating to it
  2. when and how to use your customer's name, your name and contact details following organisational guidelines
  3. the different personalities that customers have and their receptiveness to personalised services
  4. the types of personal information about customers kept on record
  5. the types and features of customer service you can offer to customers with individual needs
  6. how to use open body language and approaches to communication that align with your organisation's culture, values and requirements
  7. your organisation's guidelines on actions that are permissible outside of the normal routines and procedures
  8. your own preferences and comfort levels relating to how you are willing and able to provide customer-centric service
  9. the boundaries beyond which customer service may perceived as inappropriate by your organisation
  10. how to identify the unique requirements that individual customers have
  11. the importance of adapting approaches to customer service delivery to show respect to customers and colleagues and the potential consequences of over-familiarity
  12. how to gain information about a customer's preferences, including through social media
  13. your organisation's services and products and how to match these to customer needs and expectations
  14. how to evaluate customers' expectations of the service they will receive
  15. that types of service actions that customers see as adding value to customer service
  16. your organisation's rules and procedures that determine your authority to 'go the extra mile'
  17. how your organisation receives customer service feedback about their customer experience
  18. your organisation's procedures for making changes in its services and products
  19. how to monitor feedback from customers and colleagues about actions taken to exceed customer expectations
  20. how to recognise when added value actions become routine and should be accommodated within the standard services and products
  21. the legal, organisational, codes of practice and policies relevant to your role and the activities being carried out


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

01 Mar 2026





Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Customer Service Occupations

SOC Code



Communicating; giving respect; personal touch; customer service; communication; problem solving; behaviours; work with others; team working; balancing time; relationship building; feelings; adding value; appreciation