Manage office facilities, resources and equipment

Business Sectors (Suites): Business and Administration
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 08 Feb 2021


This standard is about managing office facilities, resources and equipment to meet the needs of office users. It includes identifying and agreeing the needs of office users and reviewing systems and procedures. You will also maintain office equipment, identifying equipment that requires repair or replacement. You solve problems related to facilities, resources and equipment, ensuring that legal, organisational health, safety and security requirements are met. You also handle and store products safely and securely, keeping accurate records of stock levels. You dispose of unwanted or damaged products safely, in line with organisational policy and procedures.

It is for professionals in business administration roles who have responsibility for managing office facilities, resources and equipment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. identify and agree the needs of office facility users
  2. develop office systems and procedures
  3. maintain office facilities, resources and equipment to meet the needs of users
  4. maintain resources and equipment to meet the needs of users
  5. provide an office environment conducive to productive working
  6. communicate priorities to office facility users
  7. monitor the use of office facilities
  8. monitor expenditure to keep within agreed budgets
  9. supervise the use of office resources and equipment
  10. use office systems in accordance with your organisational procedures
  11. check that office equipment is working efficiently
  12. identify office facilities and equipment in need of repair or replacement
  13. organise repairs or replacements to the office facilities and equipment when necessary
  14. analyse problems with the office facilities
  15. resolve problems within defined organisational timescales
  16. provide information and guidance on office facilities
  17. accept orders and check products and services against the order
  18. maintain stock to your organisation's specified levels
  19. handle stock safely and securely to maintain its condition
  20. store stock safely and securely to maintain its condition
  21. carry out stock-takes and report any problems
  22. re-order stock from suppliers
  23. dispose of unwanted or damaged stock items safely, following organisational procedures and legal requirements
  24. provide information and guidance on office resources and equipment
  25. co-ordinate the use of office resources to meet users' needs
  26. evaluate office systems and procedures and make improvement recommendations
  27. rearrange systems and procedures to make improvements
  28. build relationships with internal and external customers and suppliers
  29. maintain relationships with internal and external customers and suppliers
  30. maintain the health, safety and security of office users following organisational procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the range of office facilities, equipment and resources and what they can be used for
  2. the methods used to regularly review the needs of office users to meet their needs
  3. the ways that office systems can be developed to meet user needs
  4. the types of information provided to users to help them use the office systems in line with organisational procedures
  5. how to maintain office facilities, resources and equipment to meet expectations of the users
  6. the types of activities to monitor to control office facilities
  7. how to identify office facilities, resources and equipment in need of repair or replacement
  8. how to organise repair or replacements of office facilities, resources and equipment in line with organisational timescales
  9. the types of office systems and procedures appropriate to your responsibilities and their purpose
  10. the budgets available to manage the office systems and how to monitor expenditure
  11. the main health, safety and security legal and organisational requirements that apply  in an office environment and why they are important
  12. how to monitor office facilities and the types of activities to monitor
  13. how to develop office systems and procedures appropriate to own responsibilities
  14. how to review office systems and procedures, taking account of feedback from users
  15. how to evaluate office systems and procedures to make recommendations for continuous improvements
  16. the purpose and benefits of building relationships with internal and external customers and suppliers
  17. the methods used to build relationships with internal and external customers and suppliers
  18. the checking and ordering procedures of products and services

  19. how to maintain stock to your organisation's specified levels

  20. the safety procedures for handling stock safely and securely
  21. how to maintain the stock in its condition
  22. the methods of keeping stock-takes
  23. how to re-order stock from suppliers
  24. the disposal procedures of unwanted or damaged stock items
  25. the main health, safety, security and access requirements important to an office environment
  26. your responsibilities for health, safety, security and access requirements
  27. how to identify and document problems when they arise, following organisational procedures
  28. how to analyse problems and develop a strategy to solve them
  29. the legal, organisational, codes of practice and policies relevant to your role and the activities being carried out


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge




1.  checking

2.  communicating

3.  developing others

4.  evaluating

5.  interpersonal skills

6.  negotiating

7.  planning

8.  monitoring

  1. problem-solving

  2. organising

  3. prioritising


Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

01 Mar 2026





Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Administration, Administration and Secretarial Occupations, Business, Business and Related Associate Professionals, Administration and Law

SOC Code



Business; administration; office equipment