Undertake and support work practices in a business environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Business and Administration
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about undertaking supporting work practices in a business environment. It includes supporting your organisation's purpose and values, assessing and managing risks, maintaining the security and confidentiality, also supporting diversity and sustainability.

It is for business administration professionals in supervisory or managerial roles who have responsibility for undertaking and supporting work practices in a business environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Support your organisation's purpose and values

1.      support your organisation's overall mission and team's objectives

2.      identify your organisation's purpose, policies, procedures and values

3.      put your organisation's values into practice in all aspects of your work

4.      work with external organisations and stakeholders in a way that improves the image of your organisation

5.      improve your working practices in accordance with organisation's objectives, policies, systems, procedures and values

Assess and manage risks

6.      identify possible sources of risk

7.      assess the levels of risks

8.      monitor and mitigate risks

9.      identify any potential risks and manage these when they occur

10.   evaluate and review your methods of assessing and managing risks

Maintain security and confidentiality

11.   maintain the security and confidentiality of information in accordance with organisational procedures and current legislation about data protection and use of technologies

12.   report any concerns about security and confidentiality to the relevant member of staff or agency

Support diversity

13.   establish and maintain a working environment that values diversity and respects all members of staff within your organisation

14.   work with colleagues and use their experience to improve your working practices and methods of communication

15.   interact with colleagues in a professional manner that respects their background, abilities, values, customs and beliefs

16.   uphold the rights of members of staff who are different from you

17.   follow your organisation's procedures and legal requirements in relation to equality legislation

Support sustainability

18.   establish and maintain procedures for waste management

19.   keep waste to a minimum and follow procedures for the recycling and disposal of waste materials

20.   follow relevant procedures for maintenance of equipment

21.   continuously review working methods, including use of technology, and ways of improving efficiency

22.    identify equipment and materials that provide best value for money

23.   support colleagues to maximise their performance and value to the organisation

24.   establish and maintain procedures for the maintenance of equipment

25.   improve your working methods and the use of technology to support sustainability

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Support your organisation's purpose and values

1.      your organisation's mission and team's objectives

2.      your organisation's purpose, policies, procedures and values

3.      the remit of your work responsibilities and authority

4.      the working practices with external organisations and stakeholders

5.      how improve your working practices in accordance with organisation's goals and objectives

Assess and manage risks

6.      the sources of risks in the work that you do

7.      how to assess and monitor risks

8.      the risk monitoring and mitigation methods

9.      the importance of reviewing and evaluating how to identify risks

Maintain security and confidentiality

10.   the purpose and benefits of maintaining security and confidentiality

11.   your organisational procedures and current legislation about data protection and use of technologies

12.   how to report any concerns about security and confidentiality to the relevant member of staff or agency

Support diversity

13.   what is meant by diversity and why it should be valued

14.   the working environment that promotes diversity and respects all members of staff within your organisation

15.   the purpose and benefits of working with colleagues and using their experience to improve your working practices and methods of communication

16.   the methods of interaction with respect to colleagues' their background, abilities, values, customs and beliefs

17.   the advantages of supporting diversity within your organisation

18.   how to ensure the working environment is supportive of diversity and makes best use of the talents of all those involved

19.   how to uphold the rights of members of staff

20.   the relevant legislation in support of equality and diversity in a working environment

Support sustainability

21.   the main causes of waste in a business administration environment and how to minimise these

22.   the social and legal requirements for recycling and disposal of waste and the organisational procedures in place to support these

23.   how regular maintenance of equipment can help to minimise waste and the procedures you should put in place

24.   how to use technology to work help improve working practices

25.   how to engage all stakeholders in continuously improving working methods and the use of technology to achieve maximum efficiency

26.   how to select sources of materials and equipment that provide best value for money

27.   the purpose and benefits of considering issues of corporate social responsibility when selecting suppliers

28.   your working methods and the use of technology to support sustainability


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge




  1. communicating
  2. interpersonal skills
  3. monitoring
  4. planning
  5. problem solving
  6. reading
  7. team working
  8. working with other members of staff


Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Administration, Administration and Secretarial Occupations, Business, Business and Related Associate Professionals, Administration and Law

SOC Code



Business; administration; diversity, sustainability, risk assessment, confidentiality