Inform and support organisational decision-making

Business Sectors (Suites): Business and Administration
Developed by: Skills CFA
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about informing and supporting organisational decision-making. It includes researching the information, presenting it, engaging with colleagues involved in decision-making. It also covers advising the decision-makers, recording and communicating decisions made by the governance body and making sure the organisation's governance and decisions conform with legal, regulatory, organisational, environmental and ethical requirements.

It is for professionals in business administration roles who inform and support organisational decision-making.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Research and collate information to support the decision-making

1.      research information to support the decision-making process

2.      collate information to develop the decision-making ideas and recommendations

3.      participate in meetings and contribute to the decision-making discussions

4.      provide collated information to support the decision-making

5.      liaise with colleagues involved in the decision-making process

6.      assess contributions made to the decision-making process

7.      identify and agree criteria for making decisions

8.      review information to support the decision-making

9.      justify the decisions made by using evidence, arguments, questioning and assertiveness

10.   evaluate the methods for monitoring the impact of decisions

11.   use lessons learnt to improve the future decision-making

Promote and facilitate organisational governance

12.   identify and confirm organisational governance responsibilities and ensure these are understood by relevant members of staff

13.   provide information and advice to enable the decision-making

14.   record and communicate the decisions made by the governance body

15.   ensure the organisational governance and decisions conform with legal, regulatory, organisational, environmental and ethical requirements

Advise decision-makers on the organisational ethical and social responsibilities

16.   confirm the organisational ethical and social responsibilities

17.   assess and evaluate the implications of ethical and social responsibilities

18.   communicate the relevant ethical and social standards to decision- makers

19.   provide information and advice on relevant ethical and social standards to enable effective decision-making

20.   ensure the organisational policies, procedures and decisions reflect on the ethical and social responsibilities

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Research and collate information to support the decision-making

1.      the sources of information in preparing to make the decisions

2.      the criteria for making decisions

3.      how to research and collate information to support the decision-making

4.      how to contribute to meetings and discussions where decisions are being made

5.      the ways of presenting information to promote debate and inform decisions

6.      the methods of recording and communicating organisational information and decisions

7.      how to communicate with colleagues and team members in decision-making process

8.      how to review and evaluate the researched information

9.      how to structure ideas, information and recommendations to maximise their impact

10.   the methods for monitoring the impact of decisions

11.   how to collate lessons learnt to improve the future decision-making

Promote and facilitate organisational governance

12.   the scope, purpose and benefits of governance systems and procedures

13.   the roles, responsibilities and significance of all parties concerned with governance, including its stakeholders

14.   the procedures for conducting meetings and events associated with governance

15.   the methods of recording organisational objectives and governance systems

16.   the purpose and effects of meeting legal and regulatory requirements, environmental and ethical responsibilities relating to governance

17.   the consequences of non-compliance with legal and regulatory requirements relating to governance

18.   the purpose and effects of legal requirements and methods of handling confidential and sensitive information

19.   the relevant codes of practice

20.   the sources of information and networks relating to ethical and social responsibilities and the purpose of meeting these responsibilities

21.   the organisational mission statement and objectives, strategies and policies

22.   the purpose and effects of legal and regulatory requirements, and your own ethical responsibilities relating to the organisational ethical and social responsibilities

23.   the consequences of non-compliance with legal and regulatory requirements relating to the organisation's ethical and social responsibilities

Advise decision-makers on the organisational ethical and social responsibilities

24.   the key stages in the decision-making process

25.   the contexts in which the decisions are being made

26.   your role in supporting the decision-making

27.   how to contribute to the decision-making process

28.   how to be proactive and engage with colleagues during the decision-making

29.   how to assess contributions made to the decision-making process and value inputs

30.   how to review the decision-making process

31.   how to use the evidence, arguments, questioning and assertiveness to justify decisions

32.   the concept of collective responsibility and why it is important

33.   how to evaluate ways to monitor the impact of decisions


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge




1.  analysing

2.  communicating

3.  evaluating

4.  prioritising

5.  problem solving

6.  reporting

7.  researching


Links To Other NOS

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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Administration, Administration and Secretarial Occupations, Business, Business and Related Associate Professionals, Administration and Law

SOC Code



Business; administration; organisational decision-making