Monitor and control the recovery of by-products in food and drink operations

Business Sectors (Suites): Support Operations in Food and Drink Operations
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to monitor and control the recovery of by-products in food and drink operations.

You will need the skills and knowledge to monitor and control the separation and recovery of by-products, proposing solutions and taking appropriate actions when problems occur. You will also need to understand how to monitor and control the separation and recovery of by-products, proposing solutions and taking appropriate actions when problems occur.

By-products and waste from food and drink operations may have economic value as re-work, food for animals or non-food use. The separation and recovery of usable by-products and waste is therefore an important activity.

This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in the recovery of by-products.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. organise own and others' work practices in ways which enable the separation of by-products from waste in accordance with operational requirements
  2. separate by-products into the specified categories so that their future use and value is maintained
  3. store by-products in accordance with operational and statutory requirements
  4. achieve maximum yield with minimum waste according to specification
  5. organise the storage of by-products and monitor to ensure it does not exceed levels that impede production and breach statutory requirements
  6. complete the documentation accurately and completely and make it available to the relevant people
  7. handle and further process specified categories of by-products to achieve quality specifications, maximise yield and minimise waste
  8. deposit separated waste into the specified storage locations in accordance with operational and statutory requirements
  9. handle by-products and waste in ways which eradicate the risks of cross-contamination and non-conformance to operational and statutory requirements
  10. take corrective action when problems occur and report to the relevant people
  11. despatch by-products to their specified destinations in accordance with operational and statutory requirements
  12. dispose of any waste in accordance with operational and statutory requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the relevant legal and regulatory, health and safety, hygiene and environmental standards and instructions and what might happen if these are not followed
  2. how operational requirements affect work practices
  3. what is cross contamination, the effects and how to evaluate the risks of cross contamination
  4. recording and reporting procedures
  5. how to report problems and to whom to report
  6. types of and uses for by-products and waste
  7. how to optimise future use and value of by-products
  8. the potential problems in organising and controlling the separation of by-products
  9. why by-products and waste need to be separated into different categories
  10. specified categories of by-products and waste
  11. how to maximise yield and minimise waste and the effect this has on the product and the organisation
  12. how to recover, handle and store the different categories of by-products and waste
  13. how to check the correct recovery, handling and storage of by-products and waste and the importance of checking
  14. forwarding procedures and methods and how to carry them out
  15. monitoring requirements for storing waste
  16. the importance of not exceeding the specified limits for stored waste
  17. the handling methods and techniques for different by-products and waste
  18. by-product storage levels and the potential effects of storing waste above specified levels
  19. how by-products can be further processed to increase their value or increase their stability
  20. quality standards related to separated by-products
  21. how to monitor the waste storage areas and the implications of poor maintenance
  22. what constitutes environmental nuisance, how this can be avoided
  23. how to minimise environmental nuisance and reduce the risk of cross contamination
  24. how to despatch separated by-products and the importance of maximising yield and minimising waste and how to do this
  25. costs of waste to landfill
  26. fines for contaminated waste
  27. methods of controlling vermin and other pests around waste products
  28. audit requirements
  29. the waste hierarchy


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Food; drink; manufacturing; by-products; waste; recovery; storage;