Control and monitor water usage in a food and drink environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Sustainable Food Production
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2021


This standard covers the skills and knowledge needed to maintain, monitor and improve water efficiency and usage in food and drink manufacture or supply. You will need to inform others of their responsibilities; monitor work practices and processes and identify and effectively deal with any inefficient activities.

This standard is for you, if you work in a food and drink environment. You may be a line manager or supervisor and/or have responsibilities for all or part of the production process and for promoting sustainable food and drink production.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. obtain and interpret organisational sustainability targets for your area of responsibility
  2. inform others of their responsibilities in relation to organisational targets that promote efficient water usage within your area of responsibility
  3. confirm production processes and working practices comply with organisational targets, quality specifications and legal requirements
  4. confirm production processes and working practices
  5. make efficient use of resources in your area of responsibility
  6. monitor working practices and evaluate water usage and efficiency in your area of responsibility
  7. support others to avoid wasting water within your area of responsibility
  8. encourage others to overcome barriers and improve working practices and water efficiency in your area of responsibility
  9. provide training to improve water efficiency within your area of responsibility identify and make opportunities to encourage others to adopt more water efficient working practices
  10. develop and communicate recommendations for efficiency improvements to others
  11. present clear recommendations that support the further development of sustainable practice

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the impact of water usage on the environment
  2. how the effective management of water supports sustainable food and drink manufacture
  3. organisational water quality standards
  4. how legislation impacts on the organisation water usage and disposal
  5. how water is obtained, treated, used and discharged by the organisation
  6. organisational targets for water usage
  7. how and why water usage is monitored and controlled within your area of responsibility
  8. how effective management and organisation of work can help minimise water usage
  9. how staff training and development can help to maintain the effective utilisation of water
  10. organisational procedures for water treatment, recycling, reuse and discharge
  11. how to identify potential sources of water pollution within your area of responsibility
  12. how water usage is controlled and minimised within your area of responsibility
  13. how others can impact on water usage
  14. barriers that can limit the impact of water management and how these can be overcome
  15. how failure to meet organisational quality specifications can impact on water usage


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Food Production Operatives, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Food; manufacture; sustainable; environmental; production; waste; energy; water; transport; efficiency; drink