Manufacture hard or soft sugar panned products

Business Sectors (Suites): Sweet Confectionery
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard covers the manufacture of hard or soft sugar panned products. This includes measuring and mixing, syrup preparation, the manufacturing process, drying and polishing as well as the packing and finishing process. It also covers the importance of checking the quality of the product. It also covers the ingredients which are used in producing hard or soft sugar panned products. It covers why these ingredients are used and what happens to them during the manufacturing process. Also, why it is important to get the right balance of ingredients at the start of the process, and what the effect can be if this does not happen.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Prepare for producing hard or soft sugar panned products

  1. prepare to produce hard or soft sugar panned products in

    accordance with the legal or regulatory requirements, the

    organisational health and safety, hygiene and environmental

    standards and instructions

  2. check product specifications at the right time

  3. set up equipment according to specification

  4. check that material for producing hard or soft sugar panned

    products is available and fit for use

  5. check that services meet requirements

  6. start up the plant and check that it is running to specification

  7. take action in response to operating problems

  8. maintain communication in accordance with organisational


    Carry out production of hard or soft sugar panned products

  9. carry out the production of hard or soft sugar panned products

    according to the legal or regulatory requirements, the

    organisational health and safety, hygiene and environmental

    standards and instructions

  10. use equipment and check that it is supplied with materials and


  11. measure and mix product in accordance with specifications

  12. manufacture the product using suitable equipment

  13. check the quality of product during manufacture in line with

    organisational requirements

  14. undertake polishing in accordance with specifications

  15. check the product is transferred to the next stage in the

    manufacturing operation

  16. take action in response to operating problems within the limits of

    your responsibility

  17. maintain communication in accordance with organisational


    Finish production of hard or soft sugar panned products

  18. finish production of hard or soft sugar panned products in

    accordance with the legal or regulatory requirements, the

    organisational health and safety, hygiene and environmental

    standards and instructions

  19. shut down equipment in accordance with organisational


  20. deal with items that can be re-cycled or reworked

  21. dispose of waste in accordance with organisational requirements

  22. make equipment ready for future use after completion of the


  23. maintain communication in accordance with organisational


  24. complete all necessary documentation in accordance with

    organisational procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the potential food safety risks, allergens and control procedures

    associated with manufacturing hard or soft sugar panned products

    1. what the process and main manufacturing stages are for

    producing hard or soft sugar panned products

    1. what the different types of measuring and mixing processes are

    2. what the critical quality checkpoints are in the measuring and

    mixing process

    1. what the different types of pan used are and the principles on

    which they work

    1. what the critical quality checkpoints are during cooking

    2. what the different polishing processes are

    3. what the causes of rework are

    4. how rework can be incorporated back into the process

    5. how rework could be avoided

    6. the main ingredients in a hard or soft sugar panned product and

    what function they have in the confectionery product

    1. the basic recipes for hard or soft sugar panned product making

    2. the key differences in ingredients and eating experience between

    hard or soft sugar panned products

    1. how different panning methods will affect recipes

    2. why it is important that ingredients are carefully measured, and

    what the effect would be if this does not happen

    1. what recording, reporting and communication is needed and how

    to carry this out and the reasons why it is important to do so

    1. what action to take when the process specification is not met

    2. how to carry out the necessary pre start checks and why it is

    important to do so

    1. how to follow the start up procedures for conditioning and why it is

    important to do so

    1. how to obtain the necessary resources for producing hard or soft

    sugar panned products

    1. how to follow work instructions and why it is important to do so

    2. common sources of contamination during processing, how to

    avoid these and what might happen if this is not done

    1. how to operate, regulate and shut down the relevant equipment

    2. when it is necessary to seek assistance and how to seek it

    3. how to follow the relevant process control procedures and why it

    is important to do so

    1. what the limits of your own authority and competence are and why

    it is important to work within them

    1. how to deal with items that can be re-cycled or re-worked

    2. how to dispose of waste

    3. how to make equipment ready for future use


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Hard; Soft sugar; Panned; Finishing; Wrapping; Packing