Wrap and label chocolate products
The sale of food stuffs is tightly regulated and information supplied on chocolate product labels has to be accurate. This standard requires an understanding of the regulations for labelling chocolate products to be sold in the UK. It covers what information is required and how this should be presented on different chocolate products. It also covers knowledge of the quantities in which chocolate can be sold. This standard is about controlling wrapping and labelling machinery to wrap a variety of food and drink products. It details the skills required to start up, run and shut down equipment, as well as being able to take the action should operating problems occur. It is also about working to product specifications and production schedules. Complying with and understanding health and safety, allergen, food safety and organisational requirements are essential features of this standard. This standard is for you if you work in the labelling of chocolate products.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Prepare for wrapping and labelling
prepare for wrapping and labelling in accordance with the legal or
regulatory requirements, the organisational health and safety,
hygiene and environmental standards and instructions
check the availability of products for wrapping and labelling
set up machinery according to specifications
start-up machinery to specifications and check that it is working
maintain communication in accordance with organisational
deal with problems to maintain schedules
Carry out wrapping and labelling
carry out wrapping and labelling in accordance with the legal or
regulatory requirements, the organisational health and safety,
hygiene and environmental standards and instructions
check allergen information and ingredients are clearly listed in
accordance with organisational requirements
control the infeed of products for flow wrapping to specifications
control the progress of products during wrapping and labelling to
control the output of wrapped and labelled products to
deal with substandard or contaminated products
take action in response to operating problems within the remit of
your own authority
control transfer of wrapped products to the next processing stage
Finish wrapping and labelling
finish wrapping and labelling in accordance with the legal or
regulatory requirements, the organisational health and safety,
hygiene and environmental standards and instructions
shut down the machinery in accordance with organisational
remove and dispose of waste and by-products in accordance with
organisational requirements
check that machinery is ready for further use
maintain communication in accordance with organisational
complete all documentation in accordance with organisational
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
what the legal or regulatory requirements, the organisational
health and safety, hygiene and environmental standards and
instructions are and what may happen if they are not followed
the purpose and importance of wrapping and labelling
what information is required to label white, milk and dark
chocolate products to be sold
- why it is important that labelling information is accurate and what
could happen if it is not
- potential allergens and the consequences of not listing ingredients
clearly on labels
how labelling information should be presented
in what quantities by weight chocolate can be sold
the information required on outer containers and how it should be
- what the requirements are for labelling white, milk and dark
chocolate products with nutritional information and what the
options for labelling are
what equipment and tools to use and their correct condition
what materials to use and in what quantity
how to obtain and interpret the relevant process specification
what recording, reporting and communication is needed and how
to carry this out and the reasons why it is important to do so
what action to take when the process specification is not met
how to carry out the necessary pre start checks and why it is
important to do so
- how to follow the start up procedures for wrapping and labelling
and why it is important to do so
how to obtain the necessary resources for wrapping and labelling
how to follow work instructions and why it is important to do so
common sources of contamination during processing, how to
avoid these and what might happen if this is not done
how to operate, regulate and shut down the relevant equipment
when it is necessary to seek assistance and how to seek it
how to follow the relevant process control procedures and why it
is important to do so
different ways to carry out wrapping and labelling
how to carry out wrapping and labelling in an efficient manner and
why it is important to do so
- what the limits of your own authority and competence are and why
it is important to work within them
how to deal with items that can be re-cycled or re-worked
how to dispose of waste and why it is important to do so
how to make equipment ready for future use