Carry out sampling in food and drink operations

Business Sectors (Suites): Quality and Improvement in Food and Drink Operations
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2021


This standard covers the skills and knowledge for carrying out sampling for quality in food and drink operations.

This standard is relevant to you if your role requires you to follow organisational procedures in preparing products for sampling and obtaining a representative sample. You also need to maintain the integrity of the sample to allow for traceability and to avoid product contamination.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. check that the conditions for sampling are suitable and in line with organisation procedures
  2. select equipment and materials according to instructions
  3. calibrate equipment and materials to ensure it is fit for purpose and ready for use
  4. use personal protective equipment and clothing in accordance with organisational requirements
  5. prepare equipment and materials in line with organisational procedures
  6. prepare sample plan in conjunction with specification
  7. identify and obtain samples in line with organisational procedures
  8. follow the procedures for obtaining, labelling and recording sampling
  9. prepare samples of product for assessment against product specification according to operational procedures
  10. record sampling and report to the relevant person
  11. clean sampling equipment and materials to be re-used and dispose of other equipment and materials
  12. follow instructions to maintain the condition of the sample
  13. record information about the sample in accordance with organisational requirements
  14. maintain the condition of the sample according to operational procedures
  15. take action within limits of own authority if abnormal occurrences affect the sample condition or sampling activity and quarantine sample in accordance with organisational requirements
  16. communicate in accordance with organisational requirements
  17. follow current legal and regulatory requirements for hygiene and environmental standards or instructions

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the consequences of not meeting relevant legal and regulatory requirements
  2. correct personal protective equipment and clothing that should be worn and why
  3. how to take samples safely
  4. the purpose and methods of sampling
  5. procedures for sampling
  6. appropriate sampling equipment to use
  7. the techniques used to prepare samples for different food and drink types
  8. the different sampling techniques used in food and drink operations
  9. labelling of the samples for identification/monitoring purposes
  10. identification of a good/useable sample
  11. what constitutes a suitable sample according to specification
  12. how to prepare a sampling plan
  13. the purpose of carrying out a sampling plan for safety and compliance
  14. relevant features of the sampling plan
  15. operational and regulatory requirements for sampling product quality
  16. why it is important to label and identify samples
  17. what documentation and labelling systems are required to ensure traceability
  18. why it is important to maintain the integrity of samples
  19. procedures for maintaining sample condition
  20. types of abnormal conditions that may affect sampling/the sample
  21. types of sampling containers
  22. cleaning materials and method of use to prevent contamination
  23. how to access and interpret product specifications
  24. how to prepare samples of product for assessment against product specifications and tolerances
  25. what tolerances are and why they are important
  26. actions to be taken when results are out-of-specification or sampling cannot take place
  27. reasons for controlled conditions
  28. how to handle, store and dispose of sample materials
  29. what sample information is required
  30. how to identify defective equipment and what action to take
  31. controls in the sampling process
  32. the purpose of sampling specifications and procedures
  33. different methods of and environmental conditions for storing samples
  34. length of time samples should be stored
  35. the records which should be maintained and kept
  36. how sampling can aid traceability


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Food Production Operatives, Manufacturing Technologies, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



food; drink; manufacture; product; quality; standards; sampling; traceability