Carry out fresh produce packaging and preservation

Business Sectors (Suites): Fresh Produce
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2018


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to carry out fresh produce packaging and preservation. You will need the skills and knowledge to carry out the production of packs both using relevant equipment and tools and by hand to maintain product quality and safety. You will need to check packing and the tools and equipment used, while following manual handling and health and safety procedures. You will need to understand the principles of packaging and preservation so that the techniques and methods you apply avoid damaging the product and maintain the quality demanded by customers and consumers. Understanding the principles of the packaging and how it protects and preserves product will help you understand how your own organisation produces its products to service the needs of its customers. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in production operations.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Prepare to produce individual packs

  1. prepare to produce individual packs following health, safety and

    hygiene standards

  2. check packing specifications within agreed timescales

  3. set up equipment according to specification

  4. check that there is sufficient packing material available and that it

    is fit for use

  5. check that services meet requirements

  6. check that the product to be packed is available and fit for use

  7. take action in response to operating problems

  8. maintain communication with the relevant people

    Carry out production of individual packs

  9. carry out production of individual packs following health, safety

    and hygiene standards

  10. use equipment in accordance with health and safety procedures

    and check that it is supplied with materials

  11. monitor pack quality and quantity and take action in response to


  12. achieve the required quality and quantity of output within the

    specified time

  13. check that there is minimal waste

  14. maintain communication with the relevant people

    Finish production of individual packs

  15. finish production of individual packs following health, safety and

    hygiene standards

  16. dispose of surplus consumables in compliance with company


  17. deal with waste, scrap and non-standard products

  18. stop the packaging run at agreed time

  19. make equipment ready for future use after the completion of the


  20. maintain communication with the relevant people

  21. complete all documentation and records within agreed timescales

    and in compliance with company procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the types of packaging available in the fresh produce sector

    1. what the properties are of each type of packaging and their


    1. how packaging is used at point of harvest and in support of


    1. how packaging can damage fresh produce

    2. which type of packaging is used for each type of fresh produce

    3. how different packaging aids the preservation of fresh produce

    4. why it is important to match packaging material to product type

    5. the advantages of the different packaging materials used with

    fresh produce

    1. the disadvantages of the different packaging materials used with

    fresh produce

    1. how to assess if packaging is fit for purpose

    2. why it is important to use process packaging when handling fresh


    1. how fresh produce packaging methods optimise product quality

    2. the storage requirements of packaging materials

    3. the use of controlled environment as a method of preservation

    and conditioning of fresh produce

    1. the use of Modified Atmosphere Packaging as a method of


    1. the use of heat as a method of preservation for fresh produce

    2. the effects of the gases used in fresh produce packaging and


    1. the effects of chilled environments used in fresh produce

    packaging and preservation

    1. the effects of freezing in fresh produce packaging and


    1. what are the possible hazards of preservation systems

    2. the packaging requirements used in high risk zones

    3. how the stability and shelf life of fresh produce is affected in


    1. how the different forms of packaging are formed from packaging


    1. how to use packaging machinery in the fresh produce sector

    2. why automation of packing machinery is important in the packing


    1. how packaging techniques have an impact on the environment

    2. what environmental implications are of preservation techniques

    3. the legislative requirements on labelling for the fresh produce


    1. the voluntary requirements on labelling for the fresh produce


    1. the packaging regulations and legislation including WRAP

    2. the key drivers of packaging costs

    3. the advantages and disadvantages of consumer packs

    4. how the consumer packs have a role in marketing the product


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impsd309 (skills), impsd310 (skills), imppp136k

Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Fresh produce; Packaging; Preservation