Manage the long term storage of fresh produce
This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to manage the long term storage of fresh produce. You will need the skills and knowledge to both supervise the establishment of produce in long term storage, the on-going management of produce in storage and check that the storage maintains the quality and condition of the produce. You will need the skills and knowledge to organise the facilities and support those who are involved with the operations that are essential to the on-going management of storage. You will also need the skills and knowledge to work to organisational product specifications and production schedules. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in production operations.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Supervise the establishment of fresh produce in long term
supervise long term storage of fresh produce according to legal or
regulatory requirements, organisational health and safety, hygiene
and environmental standards and instructions
specify storage requirements for fresh produce
organise the resources required to complete planned storage
check that storage facilities are prepared and ready for the receipt
of fresh produce
assess the characteristics of fresh produce to verify suitability for
long term storage
monitor the preparation and loading of produce to check that the
required storage conditions can be achieved
establish required environmental conditions within storage
manage long term storage of fresh produce according to legal or
regulatory requirements, organisational health and safety, hygiene
and environmental standards and instructions
organise the collection of management information to monitor
produce quality and environmental conditions within storage
check for on-going compliance with required storage requirements
investigate potential or actual variations from planned storage,
and take action to minimise their impact
control the un-loading of produce from storage
maintain records of storage to enable traceability
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
what the legal or regulatory requirements, the organisational
health and safety, hygiene and environmental standards and
instructions are and what may happen if they are not followed
the role of long term storage in the fresh produce sector
how to determine storage specifications for produce
how the storage specification is influenced by marketing strategy
the quality requirements for the produce to be placed in long term
the characteristics of produce suitable for storage
how to assess the quality of fresh produce
how produce needs to be prepared ready for long term storage
the design, layout and operation of storage facilities
the environmental conditions required to support long term
storage and how these are provided by storage facilities
- the production capabilities and characteristics of the storage
facilities in operation
- the processes used to gather management information about
- why it is important to check the on-going compliance with required
storage conditions
- problem solving techniques used to investigate both potential or
actual variations from planned storage
the actions to take to correct any variations from planned storage
the resources required to support long term storage
how to control the dispatch of produce from storage
the reasons for keeping records and the importance of their