Contribute to problem resolution in food and drink operations

Business Sectors (Suites): Production and Control Operations in Food Manufacture
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2023


This standard covers the skills and knowledge needed for you to contribute to problem resolution in food and drink operations.

This standard is about the skills and knowledge required to contribute or assist in fixing problems in order to keep production running and minimise down time in the manufacture and supply of food and drink. This standard covers problems in multistage operations. It involves understanding how to and contributing to the review of available information and selecting and applying the most appropriate solution. Contribution to making decisions and communicating effectively are essential features of this standard. Contribution is typically provided through working in a team, although this does not exclude individual contributions from outside of close working teams.

This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in problem resolution in food and drink operations.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. check and follow legal or regulatory requirements, hygiene, health and safety and environmental standards
2. check the available information and clarify or seek further information
3. make a contribution to selecting solutions which are effective in relation to operational requirements
4. check that the corrective actions determined meet with organisational requirements
5. contribute to putting into action the chosen solution to restore operations in accordance with required specification  
6. monitor operations to check that correct operating conditions are met and maintained
7. communicate the results of your actions to the appropriate person
8. contribute to the identification of needs for further work and report this to the relevant person in sufficient detail for action to be taken
9. make suggestions for avoiding the problem happening again and ways to improve operations to your managers and colleagues
10. complete all necessary documentation

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. to what standards of health and safety and hygiene to which you are required to work and why it is important that you do so
2. what typical operating problems occur in your area of work and their possible effect on other operations
3. what the operating procedures are in your area of work
4. what the limits of your own authority and competence are and why it is important to work within them
5. what recording and communication is needed, how to carry this out and the reasons why it is important to do so
6. what the lines and methods of effective communication are and why it is important to use them
7. what factors to take into consideration when contributing to selecting solutions
8. how to help assess the impact of solutions on other operations
9. how to help analyse problems in a systematic way
10. how to help overcome problems and restore operations in an effective way
11. how to monitor product integrity both when you are overcoming problems and after you have overcome them
12. how to help recognise both temporary and permanent solutions and how to decide which should be used
13. how to help evaluate the effectiveness of the solution you have Iimplemented
14. how factory digitisation supports the production process


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Food; drink; manufacturing; operations; problem; resolution