Start up plant and equipment in food and drink operations

Business Sectors (Suites): Production and Control Operations in Food Manufacture
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2023


This standard covers the skills and knowledge needed to start up plant and equipment in food and drink operations and the associated supply chain.

This standard is about starting up plant and equipment in the production, processing and packaging of food and drink products. You must be able to know how and be able to recognise potential improvements to start up procedures.

It is about ensuring that all the necessary resources are available, check that instrumentation is working correctly, check that plant settings are correct, follow procedures, and take the necessary action in the event of problems arising. Complying with and understanding health and safety, food safety, environmental and organisational requirements are essential features of this standard.

This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in starting up plant and equipment in food and drink operations.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. check and follow hygiene, health and safety and environmental procedures

2. check that all necessary plant, equipment, materials and services are available and fit for use

3. check that the required instrumentation is working in line with specifications

4. take action in response to any identified faults

5. check that plant settings are set to achieve optimal performance in line with specifications

6. start up plant and equipment following operational procedures

7. evaluate the start up procedures and make suggestions for improvement to the relevant person

8. deal with faults within the limits of your authority

9. complete and process the necessary documentation

10. set up and maintain effective communication, both spoken and written, with managers and colleagues

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. to what standards of health and safety and hygiene you are required to work to and why it is important that you do so
2. what the limits of your own authority and competence are and why it is important to work within them
3. how to access and interpret the relevant plant, process, equipment and materials specifications
4. how the process works
5. what the main types of equipment breakdowns are
6. methods for finding out what problems are and solving them
7. what the correct procedures for start up are and why it is important to follow them
8. how faults can impact on operations
9. what paperwork you have to fill in and why it is important to do this
10. what the lines and methods of effective communication are and why it is important to use them

11. how factory digitisation supports the production process


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Food; drink; manufacturing; operations; control; packaging; improvement