Manage problem diagnosis and resolution in food and drink operations

Business Sectors (Suites): Production Management
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2023


This standard covers the skills and knowledge needed for you to manage problem diagnosis and resolution in food and drink manufacture and the associated supply chain.

The prompt identification of faults and their diagnosis is important to the efficient operation of a production line. Minimising downtime is a key management skill essential to maintaining key performance indicators for production volumes and meeting customer and organisational requirements. You must know how and be able to ensure the organisational procedures support the prompt identification, diagnosis and resolution of problems. You must also know how and be able to scope out and gauge the response mechanism, co-ordinate problem resolution, evaluate and agree implementation plans. Complying with and understanding health and safety, food safety, environmental and organisational requirements are essential features of this standard.

This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in managing problem diagnosis and resolution in food manufacture.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. check that organisational procedures aid the identification of abnormal occurrences or malfunctions within the specified timescale            
2. create a culture where feedback from all levels of the workforce is valued and considered
3. communicate to colleagues the importance of reporting faults and problems promptly
4. encourage colleagues to provide information regarding potential and actual problems
5. establish the type of response required to resolve the problem including focus group, single person response and external assistance
6. work within your area of responsibility and limits of authority and ensure colleagues do so
7. establish the response person/group
8. make sufficient resources available to aid problem resolution
9. manage the response group or person
10. co-ordinate the resolution in an effective and efficient manner
11. evaluate the response group/persons' findings relating to the resolution of the problem
12. liaise with colleagues to secure agreement for the resolution
13. seek feedback on the most effective means of implementation
14. evaluate the implementation options
15. secure agreement for the implementation of the resolution

16. produce an action plan for resolution 

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. the food business and regulatory requirements relating to the management of problem diagnosis and resolution
2. the food business methods of communication including new technology and how to use them
3. what the food business procedures are relating to the management of problem diagnosis and problem resolution
4. how to ensure organisational procedures support problem diagnosis and why it is important to do so
5. the advantages and disadvantages of focus groups, single person approaches and external intervention
6. how to communicate to colleagues the importance of problem diagnosis
7. what resources are required to support problem resolution
8. the features of effective management of groups or the means for problem resolution
9. how to co-ordinate resolution in an effective and efficient manner
10. why it is important to work within the limits of your authority and how to do this
11. the action required appropriate to the level of severity of the problem
12. how to create a workplace culture where feedback is considered and valued
13. how to get valuable feedback from colleagues relating to potential and actual problems
14. the most effective ways to evaluate and secure agreement for problem resolution
15. the techniques available to evaluate the scope of problems
16. how to establish what type of response is necessary and proportionate to resolve problems
17. what the food business procedures are for managing the implementation of problem resolution
18. how to get feedback on the most effective means of implementation
19. the techniques for effective evaluation of the implementation options
20. how to secure agreement for the implementation of the resolution
21. the format and completion arrangements for the resolution action plan
22. how to evaluate collated information relating to production problems and use it to address on-going or common problems

23. the principles of factory digitalisation


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Manage; diagnose; resolve; food and drink; production; manufacturing; operations